Friday, March 03, 2006


How much do we really know about men? They are mysterious as much as we are to men. Thanks to the books, we can learn a few things about men. I won't be surprised there are books about women for men to able to learn few things about women.

To single women, do you ever feel like men are goofballs? Just try to put in a nice word on the website. Some men are nice. Some men are weird. Some men are abusive. Some men are healthy. Some men are overweight. Some men are thin. Some men... blah blah blah.

After I date some men, I notice some are unavailable even they are single. Some are abusive types. I'm glad that I am able to notice the red flag warning signs. Since I had have learned my lesson. The statistics haven't proven yet but it is possible about 75% men are very abusive type. It is incredible. It is very low percent of non-abusive men. However, I did asked myself what make abusive men find me attractive?

Here's one theory, I did have couple of guys to chat with (who are abusive type, they didn't know that themselves.). I found out that their girlfriends are abusive type toward them. Weather or not, they are telling the truth. What really matter is that they are looking for non-abusive type woman like me. They found me and said I'm the right one for them. Yes, I may be, however; they are not the right one for me. I have come to realize that they have not improved on themselves. They are not willing to find out what they did wrong. They just dump them (or break up) and searching for non-abusive. They will do the repeat pattern with the healthy ones and abuse them. Think about it, abusive attractive to abusive. Negative will attract to negative. Since they had negative experience so they go out and look for positive person. They don't take time to look within. I wonder why they are not trying to improve themselves. Why they are not willing to go to counselor and work themselves out like women does? Well, I do know that not all women go to counselor by trying to work themselves out. I do know that some women are not willing to face the fact and truth. Some women had made choice to stick with an abusive relationship which I can name a few.

Here’s another theory, I am a chubby type woman. (Thanks goodness that I’m not overweight.) I also notice most men are chubby and overweight wants to date with me. I had previous date chubby guys. I think it is time for me to change my lifestyle. I did my best to exercise and eat right but it doesn’t seem enough. I barely lose weight. I have see and met a few who been taking diet pills. I notice how helpful it had been. However, is it worth the risk? I personally prefer anything that is natural such as eat right and exercise. Should I try to increase my exercise? I do know that I’m not big fan of exercise. I do get bored with it sometimes. I thought maybe have a dog would help me. I did exercise almost everyday. So I did the same thing while I was in college. What’s the difference??

Here's theory three, I think maybe there is possibility that there is vibes? I don’t know if that is true or not. Do I still project negative energy influence (was it called aurora)? If that is true then why men do find me positive and know that I am not abusive type?

I guess maybe I should increase my exercise. I do know that I never really like to exercise. I hope that I could find a way to increase. If I do that then I might be able to find healthy physically and mentally guy. I'm not going to lose weight just to find man. However, I have seen some healthy physical guys are abusive type too.

Be honest with you, if I couldn’t find non-abusive type of a guy then I rather live my life as a single woman. I am not trying to be sound like I’m giving up. I’m trying to face the facts. I may over-analyze. I am here to learn through error and trail. If I happen to find non-abusive type of a guy then great!!

In meantime, wish me a good luck; I hope that I will find a way to lose weight. That is my next challenge.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What kind of exercises have you tried? I understand how you feel about exercise. Since summer is coming up, you have this awesome swimming pool at home. It will be good for exercise as you love swimming! Something to enjoy and at same time, it would be considered as exercise.