Saturday, December 30, 2006


Geez, it's nearly 2 weeks and I'm bored, already. Sitting around the house and doing nothing is my most favorite thing to do. Now, I don't. Am I getting old?

Never in my bewilderest thought, I want to go back to work. Haha, *sigh* I need to be more patience because of my knee. It's okay, now but the pain is still there. It's more of on and off. My knee will be in pain after 15 minutes of walking. I just have to make sure it is less than 15 minutes. It's so hard not to do anything. I want to walk with my dog. I want to go to shopping with my mom and etc. I haven't heard anything from the nurse, yet. At least, I got the dr note that I can't work until Jan 1st. I hope my knee would be better by then. If not, then I have to get in touch with my Dr again. How annoy is that? LOL

Everything is good around here. We are doing good. My dog, Reese enjoys having me around. My mom's cat is doing good, too. My parent is doing fine. I'm fine, too. (just my knee is in pain).

Today, it has been raining real heavy with bad thunderstorm. The thunder sound did startled on Reese few times. But other than that she's fine once I distracting her. I act like that's nothing. So she sees that then she's fine. The lightining is so close to the house that I can actually hear crackling and static-like before the thunder sound came in. Wow, it's sound very eletricity. There was Tornado warning and Flash-flood warning but nothing happens. I'm glad. I'm also glad is rain, today because this place is really dry and brown. It needs water. Mostly, I'm just laying down or watching the Stargate DVD that I bought, Season 1 thru 10. I'm watch Season 1. Where's Daniel have long hair, he's looks so young there. It helps to keep from me being bored. I need to get back to read a book.. huh?

Like I said, so far, things are going good.

Oh by the way, I did recieve couple emails from the jobs that I apply but all they are asking is Assistance Manager, Insurance Agents, Manager, and few other things relate to buisness in need. Geez, nothing relate to science field. I would give anything to have some kind of science-field. I don't know anything about Insurance Agents, manager, and other things. Why in the world they would want me? They have already set up for interview next week after Jan 1st all I have to do email them to confirm. Can't they read my resume? It's relate to science. Well, I already explore few things and send to my resume to certain company that I'm interesting in. I haven't hear anything from them, yet. I have to wait and see after Jan 1st.

Wish me luck!

Wednesday, December 27, 2006


From the book, I've read a little bit. "A note from a Friend" I thought that was very interesting part about "belief". Did you ever had that experience or similar experience? At dinner, when a guest asked for a salt, a person comes in the kicthen and couldn't find salt. A guest came in and asked, "What is this?" as guest pointed on the counter. Why, it is salt. Often times, we overlooked or... is it that we believe that the salt is *not* there on the counter. Belief is very powerful thing.

I have similar expeirnece. More of opposite.... It was Saturday late morning, I was getting up and put my comfortable clothes. I'm not going anywhere. I've decided to put my favorite ring on. I walk over where is my ring is at the usual spot next to my bed on the floor. That time, I do not have nightstand. I saw a ring on the floor next to several changes (dimes, nickels, quaters, and some pennies.) As I reach over and grab it, somehow it disappeared like what you see on TV. One minute you see then in the blink of the eye, it disappeared. I didn't feel the ring on my finger tips and yet, I believe so much that I did saw and touch it. It must have slip out of my finger and mix it up with rest of my changes. So, I grab each coin off the floor and put on my hand. Nothing, I still can't find it. I was sooo sure that my ring was there. I could have swore I saw it. As I kept searching and searching of every conor I can find nothing. I took myself a deep breath and asked myself "WHERE IS MY RING?!" Suddenly there something pop in my mind when I realize something.... The night before, I was cleaning my bedroom and I decided to put my ring in my jewlery box in the bathroom. So, I went over to see if my ring is there. There it is!! I just stand there awe myself and amazing how much belief and believe can be so much powerful. If you believe that the ring is there, you'll see it. If you believe the salt isn't there, you'll not see it. It's amazing how strong it is once you set your mind to it.

Ya know? It didn't cross my mind until now when I read that book. You can do anything once you set your mind to. Mmmmm... All I have to do is believe....

Knee pt 3

I'm going to see Dr, again... Geez...

I contact to my work saying that I really can't come cuz of my right knee. It is true. I can't walk more than 15 minutes. It's too painful. My boss is the one who talk to me on the phone. He seems not appricate that I didn't show up for work for a week and most of all it is on Christmas Eve is very "important". Well, not in so many words but it sure sound like it. I was like "whatever". My health is more important than the job itself. For all I care... I know Christmas Eve is most busiest time of the year especially for last minute shoppers. According to my mom, (I think I mention before) most of the time it is the manager who works at the cashier... Almost no one showed up for work.
Enough about my knee...

It is sooo nice to take a one week break. It really does. And I took advance of my time to apply online jobs. I can *not* gentuatee(sp?) that website would be successful to land a job. I read many testenomony but still it's a risky... I apply resumerabbit (dot) com. Yes, I do pay for it. I dunno if that would help but one good point there... searching for a job is a full-time job. Wow! I didn't realize about that until now. Mmmmm after and during Jan, I might go to ask for rescuadle(sp) for time of working at my store. I'm considering part-time and maybe off like during Monday, Wed, and Friday. That way during my off days, I can take my time to search for other job or something. In meantime, I'm going to take advanage to search while my right knee is in pain.

Speaking of Christmas, I've really enjoy spending time with my parents. We were playing games and making nice dinners and nice desserts. Sugar-free Cheesecake from Cheesecake Fatory. Yummy! We were dressing up for Christmas Eve for Eat-All-You-Can-Steak. Even those guys there were just looking at me. Ooohhh, cutie guys. Haha. Some of the young pre-teen girls were staring at me the way I dressed up in black and red outfit. It is adult-theme of Christmas way. I have my hair all curls and put it up messy kind of way. Looks so much like on magizine or tv actress. The way how I do things and etc. Haha. Looking for role model, that I can tell. The waiter (men) and pre-teen girls were just look at me too many times. *smile* I do feel speical here. Guilt as charge... I'm loving it. *g*
Oh, we did went to watch the movie (without closed caption) Pursit Happiness actor Wil Smith. My dad interpret some for me. That helps a lot to understand of what's going on because it is mostly talk, talk, and talk. Haha. It's really good movie! Based true story.

I bought a lot of Christmas presents for my parents. I'm so glad that I bought very early. It was before the knee start to hurt. They were unexpecting at some things that I bought for them. Haha, My mom mention that I bought more presents than they bought for me. I reminded my mom that they are going to help me to buy my new laptop computer. So, don't worry about it. They seems enjoy so much with those presents that I bought for them. They sure show it. And those money I bought is my money that I've had earned. *smile* I'm happy for them.

I have 3 nicest shirts and one pair of white gold earrings. Those are very nice gifts. Espeically when I have my eye on Thinkerbell shirt. She bought it at the different store. That store have my size.

Meanwhile, Reese was very exciting to get bones from us. She is very happy and her tail keeps on wagging. She have several bones around in the house, now. LOL. Plus we gave extra treats. It is same for Tom-Tom. We made sure we have Tom-Tom with us because sometime Reese chase him out and didn't want him be with the family. So, we chase our Reese outside for few hours (it's warm sunny with cool breeze, she'll be fine.), so Tom-Tom can spend time with us. He really enjoys our attention. You can tell how much he misses that. Now, he is staying with us afterward. He wouldn't leave. We have Reese and Tom-Tom in the same room but oppsite side. LOL He had been doing that for couple of days, now.

It was nicest vacation of the week even though I have right knee in pain. (Even I was suppose to work, too.) I was able to focus on enjoyment than focus on my pain. Merry (belated) Christmas!!

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Pet Peeves

..... Never mind...

The medication did great job on my knee. Sometimes I forgot that I have pain in my knee. When I walk in the store today. It only takes about 15 minutes and my knee came back in pain, again. So I sat in the car and wait for few moments until mom comes out. She was buying something. I think this time it would not be make up exuse but a real exuse that I might not be able to come back to work in another few more days. It would be a wise choice.

My dog, Reese pout. She pout almost all day. She wants me to go outside play with her. She doesn't like me playing checker or any other board game. She wants me to play with her. She doesn't want me to play anybody else but her. She doesn't understand that I can't play with her because of my knee. I can play with her as long as I sit down and play ball... but she rather me chasing her or she's chasing me and etc. She wants to play hard not soft. So, she is really disappointed. I felt bad for her. I know she enjoys having me around. However, I still need to take my time to heal my knee, first.
It's getting real chilly and love it every minutes.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Knee part 2

I went to the Dr. today. The dr said that it is possible just strained (or is that sprined, wrong spelling). Anyway, she said just stay off for couple of days. Egh! I knew that I have no choice but to go back to work on Sat and Sun... Unless... I have to find another kind of excuse... mmmm I will ask my dad later about that. I do not want to go back to work. Anyway, she gave me some kind of inflamation(sp) medication. If it is not better in one week then come back to see the Dr. Well, I took that pill tonight and seems better plus took another warm bath really helps.
This morning, Reese was so exciting and want to jump all over me, I firmly said, "no." Her head went down as she walk away. That breaks my heart... MAN! I know that she wants to play but I can't because of my knee is too painful and she doesn't understand that. *sigh* However, I play with her in other way... She seems to enjoy that way as long as she had attention from me.

Tom-Tom finally jump on my lap later in the evening. It's been such a long time. However, it was short. Unlike for my mom, Tom-Tom stays on her for hours. Lucky mom!

Well, it is getting late. I better go to bed to get some sleep.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

My knee

My right knee is killing me more than ever. Last night, I woke up with painful so I took Advil. This morning the painkiller pill fade away and my knee hurts back again. My painful knee woke me up again before the clock went off. I couldn't handle it anymore. I barely could get up to go to use restroom. *sigh* I called my mom to come to my bedroom and told her about it. She's took a looked at my both legs. She said that my right leg is swollen. She told me to stay off of it. Meaning don't walk around too much... So, I called my work and explain of what I just mention. The person told me when I go to Dr. and want to have full details about my knee. So, I'm going to Dr. tomorrow or Tuesday. Once I hang up the phone, I went to take a long warm bath. That helps a lot. Sadly, there is no epstom(sp) salt.

Later in the evening, my mom told me that sound like I did something to my bone. I asked, "Meaning I cracked my bone?" She like, "no, not really something do with joint." Whatever. She also said, "I'm no dr so it is best to have it checked to make sure there isn't any badly damage." I asked, "So, ya speaking from personal experience?" My mom nodded. I hope it isn't that bad. I hope that it just bruised real bad from standing and walking too much. That's what my mom is hoping, too.

Well, look at the bright side, I get to stay home and being pampered. Haha.
Well, remmy I mention about one of the family member telling lies, lies, and lies? Let's called her Twister. Well, Twister did got upset and told her husband the lies that my parents refuse to help the kids because....... whatever it is. I don't understand. It is all about the little boy having attention disorder and need to get certain medication and need money for counselor visitation. Twister made up 2 different stories along the way. So, my parents refuse to give any money. The medication doesn't cost 350 dollars.

Twister decided to send letter only to my dad. She mention in her letter that she feels that my dad should be in the middle of this situation. My dad knows all about it. My mom always tell him everything. Twister said that since she couldn't get any more of the money. Now her son is really sick with H.S.P, Just click on it to give more info about it. It was too late. If the doctor catch it early then it would not get worst. Now, he has it. It has nothing to do with disease. It has to do with attention disorder. That is a new story that she made up.

My gut tells me that Twister's lying again. I choose to say nothing. I encourage my parents just give them Christmas cards, Birthdays, and presents. Do not send to Twister any more of the money. I'm willing to bet no matter how much you give, she's going to make up more dieases for two boys whatever she can find so she can get all the money.

My mom seems worry about the boys. I told her there is nothing you can do. My mom agreed and she said that it is their responbility and they are searching for someone to blame on. My mom said that she reminded of her mother. Which both are NPD (as I mention in previous blog about it), it's sad but true. That Twister's husband raised by his grandma (NPD) so he married to NPD which is Twister.

Later, my mom contact the other family member and found out it was all lies. There was never H.S.P. I knew it! I knew it! My mom seems relieved. My mom said that if my dad or I or her, recieved anymore emails, letters, and etc throw away and never read it. She doesn't want to know anymore. She went thru her mom and she's not going through again with Twister. She had enough.

Living with NPD, (it is even harder for kids who put up with NPD mother, father, or both) is like living in "hell" on Earth. Believe me, it's true. That is the worst of all. It's like you are having a real devil mother or devil father or both that ya have to put it up with.

Well, good news that the boys are okay and there is nothing wrong with them. And never had every since. My parents did make the right choice by refusing to pay anymore of the money. And from now on, they will send only presents to the boys, nothing more and nothing less. I also giving the presents for 2 boys. The Twister is the bitch and same with my grandma (mom's mother).
Change to better subject:

My parents had made the reservation Eat-All-You-Can-Eat meats... Yummy. I'm so looking forward to that. I couldn't wait for that.

Here's another good news, I contact to my friend in GA. She said that she is available during Labor Day Weekend. She is more than happy to be with me to go to convention, too. I'm so exciting. I will let her know that it is confirmed when I buy tickets and plane tickets. The round trip is cost nearly 300 dollars. OY! According to my mom said that the gas prices had gone up. She suggestion wait until January. Sound good, I hope it will decrease but wait and see. Plus 50 dollars for convention but it's worth 4 days. If ya want one day then it will be like 35 dollars but have to wait until time grew closer. I really don't like last minutes. So, I'm go ahead and buy it. I can visit day before Michael Shanks show up so my friend and I can explore to learn around a little bit better.

Also, another good news that Michael Shanks will be there for sure.... Unless there is a unexpected change of plans. I hate last minutes. *cross fingers* Hope that wouldn't happen but it can.... but *cross fingers and toes and eyes squeeze tightly shuts*

By the way, have you guys been watching good movies lately? Hallmark, ABC, and Lifetime channels are showing good movies almost all day. It's perfect timing with my knee and I couldn't move too much. I've really enjoy watching all those Christmas movies. *~*~Sing a sing, It's soon will be Christmas time.*~*~* I enjoy Christmas. *feeling Christmas-y*

Friday, December 15, 2006

Happy B-day to Michael Shanks

Yep, his birthday is December 15th, I know, so silly to tell him happy birthday in my blog but what can I say? He's my hearthorb. Haha!

I dunno if he's reading this or not... but who cares... Happy Birthday, Michael Shanks and may you always enjoy your Birthday and Best Wishes on your Holiday and a Happy New Year!

Smile! Today, I enjoy sleeping in a little bit late. Afterward, I bath Reese. She needs it because she's stink. My mom wants to give my cat a bath, too. Haha. My mom couldn't but I can hold him without him strenching(sp?) all over me. So, I hold him while my mom bath him. We have been doing that since starting this summer. We only give vingar delute with water in bathtub. Since we allergic to cats, we decided to give vingar/water bath to help to reduce his dander that we allergic. It really helps ALOT! We have been doing that for once a week or so. Today, my mom went ahead and gave him shampoo. So, we are going to bath him for real. Last time, we try to shampoo him, he was really upset. This time we can. My mom scrubs him good. First time to see sooo much dirts and so much hair coming out of him. Before, it wasn't much of hair coming out of him. This time it did. Amazing! And.... It's really that dirty!

I spend time staying at home. That sure felt good. Last two weeks, I've been out everywhere on my off days. I haven't been in home lately. Haha.

As I mention before about Labor Day Weekend to go to see my favorite actor named Michael Shanks in Atlanta, GA. As I figure out the money, I am able to go for sure but I'm going to wait until Jan or before Feb 10th to double check to see if Michael Shanks and his wife confirmed to go. If so, I'm going! *squeeeeeel* Pray: Please let that be true and let that happen.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

A strong will

I was watching tv spoke by Wyne Dryer. His book is soo dry but I do enjoy listen his prenstation(speech) better than his book on PBS channel. He spoke a guy named Ryan. He's only about 8 years old. He wants the to give a world a better place. In Africa, those people drink dirty water. He want to set up a well. It's cleaner that way. So, he cleans the house and raking people's yard and cutting grasses. He earned up to 200 dollars but found out later that it is really cost $7,000 dollars. So, he continue to work until he earn $7,000 dollars and donate for a well in Africa. The people there in Africa invite Ryan to come. So, he and his mother did came. There is a name Ryan's Day for the well. Later, he also earned 1 million dollars to donate the rest of wells for Africa. Imagine such a 8 years old boy who could do that. He even invite to do the Oprah but he declined! Because he have imporant thing at school. His mother was shocked. "Are you sure you want to declined? It's Oprah!" Yet, he did. Of course, Oprah was willing to work a way round to fit the Rayn schudale(sp?) so he can come. Amazing. I saw him standing up. He looks like he's 12 years old by now. Wow! That's incredible! If he can do that, so can we!

This is for the Creator of the Universe!

Looonnnng week

Whew! What a loooonnngg week for me!! Saturday, Sunday, Monday to Wedensday are the longest hours I ever worked. OY! Oh boy, I couldn't believe it. I'm so exhausted. I even took myself longer than 15 minutest break. My right leg is killing me more than my left leg. In fact, I couldn't bend my right knee. I hate to bend down doing the lowest part of the table or selves. My right knee wouldn't let me bend if I do it hurts tooo much for me to able to tolodenance. I almost scream in pain. Instead I gave out a little moaning and grunts. My right leg couldn't take it anymore. When I am at home I couldn't bend my knee at all. I feel like both of my knee straight out like a log. I try to "pop" my knee but my knee wouldn't let me.

This week, I'm working exact same hour and off Thurs and Friday. As I mention before, I'm going to take off Saturday and Sunday, too. That means I'm having worth of5 days off and it's worth it. *sigh* I admit I'm tempting to arrive work late but I'm not going to. One more week, I reminded myself, be patience.

Ya know what? The world is not nicest place, sometimes.

Other day at work, there is a group of girls chit-chatting in the fitting room while the boss or team leader is on lunch break so they are taking advantage of not working. So, I dislike to be only one who is working here as one of the girl mention to me once. So, I just stood there and didn't understand a word they said. Until one girl write down names for "Secert Santa" and they got all names but me. I do mean they didn't left one person out. They made sure all the names were written down in front of other girls, too. I was standing there. Seem like I'm invisible here. That same girl asked in not a nice way, "Don't you have a break?" The other girl knew that wasn't nice and chance that I would tell on her about that because of previous girl who was not nice to me and she knows it. She said, "No, don't, there is a team leader needs to know who is on break and who is not. The team leader did asked for that." That girl who wrote down names said, "Oh okay." My guts tell me that I'm not welcome here. Geez!

All those names were wrtten down and posted on the closet door. It had to be taken down or the supervisor will fine it $500 dollars. Haha. Pppfffffttttt to those immature girls who is below 18.

What else is new?

Here's somethings funny, one of the team leader couldn't get the girls to work because they are always talking in the fitting room. So after that, the team leader put me in the fitting room because she knew that I don't talk and I do the work. She even wrote down in the note said that "No talking in the fitting room." Haha. So I stay in fitting room and do what I normally do.

Curious, ever heard of stock bonds?? Ever have the experience?? Do you have any recommends?? I'm seriously consider to do the stock bonds. Maybe get more money out of it? Or lose my money as well? If the stock went down then ya lose money if the stock went up then you get some extra money. Depend on stocks and depend on which did ya pay to.

My mom said that she never try to use it. She thinks that I have to pay 1,000 to get "in". Whatever that means. Maybe she meant that I have to go to the certain agents for that and pay to the agents. That's my guess. I never heard anything such for agents. I'm totally clueless. Well, one nice thing about this is that I don't have to worry about if I lose money. Because I'm in a safe haven right now so I can take advantage to experience what it is like. I rather invest my money to stock bonds and not use the MLM scams.
Remmy I mention before about this guy I drool over named Michael Shanks? Well, I contact one guy friend that I like. He lives in GA. Unfortuately, he rather go out with his mom for Labor Day Weekend of 2007. That's when I knew for certain that he's a mama boy. Because last time I spoke to him, he said that he always tell his mom "EVERYTHING" Of course, I gave him hard time, "Is that include sex life?" He blushed and laughed, "NO!" So, he's a real mama boy. He mention that he and his mom went to Canada last Labor Day Weekend. I was thinking, his father wasn't with them. Their parents to stay together. Something wrong with this picture. Way tooo mama boy. Sadly, I do liked him because he's the "only" guy (so far) I met that makes me laughed. My previous 2 ex never made me laughed. That's my my proroty for a guy is sense of humor.

Oh well, I don't mind going to convention alone. And don't worry, I'm still taking my time to find a guy.

Oh, Ready for Christmas??!! I already have been shopping for my mom and dad and family. Whoo-hoo! I have already wrap up dad's christmas presents but I haven't done for my mom. I hope to do that soon. I want to get over with it.

Speaking of presents, I have 2 small boxes of christmas presents. It is sooo light when I picked it up. Now, I'm so curious. Normally, I know what it is but not this time. Weird. I try to figure it out. As I was working at the Target, I looked around for small and light box but so far the boxes seems so heavy. Is it jewlery? The box is a little too big for jewlery. But something tells me it might be a little expensive becuase my mom said that it would make me thrill to have that gift. MMmmmmm Curious, courious, and courious.... Well, I guess I will have to wait for Christmas Morning.

*~*~*Silver Bells*~*~*
Music lyric
Silver bells, silver bells
It's Christmas time in the city
Ring-a-ling, hear them ring
Soon it will be Christmas day

City sidewalks, busy sidewalks
Dressed in holiday style
In the air there's a feeling of Christmas
Children laughing, people passing
Meeting smile after smile
And on every street corner you'll hear

Silver bells, silver bells
It's Christmas time in the city
Ring-a-ling, hear them ring
Soon it will be Christmas day

I can't wait for Christmas!! Few more days to go...

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


It's Texas de Brazil. Oh as I mention this before it's expensive resturant.

Speaking of steaks...last Saturday my off day, we went to steak house. I order ribeye steak. "mmmmm sooo delious" I've realize I haven't eat steak for a little over a month. OY! I didn't realize how much I miss that taste. I've savor it of every bite. It's never been tasted sooo good until last Saturday. I miss that steak. Yummy.

At work, my schudadle(sp?) is exact the same this week and next week. I have Thursday and Friday off days. OY! That means I have to work on Saturday and Sunday (Christmas eve) next week. NO THANK YOU!! I don't care. I'm going to call in for sick days. My mom told me that she use to be last minutes shopping, too. She's also mention that almost no one work at the store. If ya lucky there is one person at the cashier with looooooonnnnng line on Christmas Eve. Look like no body wants to work on Christmas Eve. Haha, should not wait for last minutes let everbody has a chance to be at home on Christmas Eve, too. *g* Anyway, I am going to stay home Thursday thru Monday next week. I wish them ( for those who show up at work) a good luck. They are going to need that.

Today while I was working, there is a lady who approach to me. She seems to find me interesting. She knew that I'm deaf because I wear hearing aids. She quickly approach to me. I couldn't remember of what she said but she being "door-to-door saleswoman" at the store. I was thinking here we go again another scam of MLM buisness-shit. Since I'm working and I suppose to be nice to customer and knowing I'm now a customer... seems very conflicts and weird. Anyway, she giving me a free small "christmas" gifts. It's something to do with face because she asked me if I have oily or dry skin. I said "combination". So, she gave it to me. I knew that she trying to "reel" me in. I can sense that. She asked, "I would like to know how do you like about this, can you give me your phone number for me to call you?" I shake my head and use a very good exuse, "I can't use phone." She said, "Yeah, I know, I saw that." meaning my hearing aids. Well, geez lady, if you did saw that then why did you asked? She's wearing exact similar outfit at the mall where cosmetics normally wear. I admit for brief moment, I thought she's working from the mall and try to sell it to me in a store where we don't have any kind of fancy as the mall plus I'm the worker. Then I thought, that makes no sense to me then I realize that's MLM buisness. When I recieve the tiny-small gift bag and saw the buisness card that said independent. Yep, I knew it! How typical?! If I wasn't a worker, I would bitch her out. Haha. Oh well, instead, I just said thank you and put it in my pocket. Afterward, I put in my purse so I can check it out later to see what kind of MLM buisness. I must investagate on that. Ya know, maybe I should become detective. Haha. Nah. I only do this so I can learn before I waste all my money for nothing. I don't like it. If it is "too good to be true" then it is too good to be true. That's what I've been taught. *******************************************************************************

*sigh* Is this me? Or is it my biological clock start ticking? I wonder what is it like to have a baby?

Friday, December 08, 2006

To Anonymous


Your question: What make are your hearing aids and have you alweays worn this firm's?

I do not really understand your question but I hope this will answer to your question. If not, please feel free to ask again in different method of question.

Anyway, I forgot what my previous hearing aid made from because every 5 years I have to update the new hearing aids and throw away the old ones. Audiologists have their own opinion and preferences. I have been visiting several different Audioligists because I moved many different places (it's same with doctors). Anyway, this time that hearing aids I am wearing right now are from Denmark (I think).

I have wear those hearing aids since I was 2 years old. I was "training" to hear from the hearing aids. As a child, I listen to the tapes from many different sounds. I have to able to names them such as srien sound from police/fire truck, bird sings, car honk, door knock, door squeaking when open or closed, door slammed, water running, dog bark, cat moewing, thunderstorm, footsteps on stairs, and many more. It is something that hearing people hears everyday. So, I grow accoustm (habit) to wear hearing aid every day and night. Only time I take off hearing aid is when I go to bed. I learn to listen when people talk. I learn to listen my own voice. There is speech threapy to teach deaf people to speak the right way. I notice that my parents listen to music (mostly country music) I learn to listen music from my parents and hearing friends. I have my own taste. At first, I listen to Christians music. Now I don't.

I have to read of what words that said and listen to music at the same time. If there is no words then I could not understand what the person says in his/her singing. I have to have words for me to read and follow the music. It is only way for me able to understand better. I feel like wasting my time trying to find words when there isn't providing one. It's one of my pet peeves that there is no lyric words. Since I am no long listen to Christian music. So instead, I listen to classic and instrumental (such as panio, flute, harps, drums, and other) music sounds that have no words. I've really enjoy listening. So, that's why I couldn't resist hearing aids. I've already been raised to wear hearing aids for long time (since 2 years old).

Oh by the way, I've listen and know most words of Chirstmas music. I enjoy singing those Christmas songs from the CD's with my family as we decorcate Christmas tree. We do that every year during Thanksgiving and Christmas.

I hope that does answer to your question.

Michael Shanks

One of few favorite actors of mine. I know I have already mention this before. I couldn't resist to say again. He's my hearthrob. *smile* Anyway, I just found out the news about him and his wife. There is possible that they are going to convention at DragonCon in Atlanta, GA. It will be on the first Labor Day Weekend. That would be August 31-Sept 3. I want to go. And there is no stopping me except money.... ppfffftttt. Haha. I'm going to save it up all as humanly possible. One nicest thing about Atlanta, GA, I know 2 friends of mine lives there and I know my family lives few hours away from Atlanta. Haha! I don't have to worry about paying for hotel. I just able to stay at my friend's house for that. Only thing I have to do is pay for flight and food. *grin*

I remember I did contact Dragon Con once. They can provide volunteer interpreter. I hope so. I really do. I have to contact them this time and confirmed that I will be coming. I really want to just to meet *him* Not his wife or anybody else. Hahaha.
I admit that he's my hearthrob, guilt as charged. *smile*
Mmmmmm I am going to make a phone calls next week or shall I wait until Janurary? Heck, I can't wait for August 2007. There's part of me went very girly-girl inside of me. *dreamy sigh*
Yeah, I know mushy stuff.


Anyway, I'm so glad that today is my off-day and so is this coming Saturday. I couldn't wait for it. I already bought Dad's Christmas presents and my mom is just tagging along since she couldn't buy until payday which is tmw(Friday). Now, I need to buy mom's Christmas stuff this Saturday with my dad. I'm pretty sure that dad is able to buy Christmas stuff for mom since they have some money. I couldn't wait until Christmas. From what I understand, we might going again on Christmas Eve... Ooooohhh that delicouious eat-all-you-can eat different kind of meats. I would recommend anyone to try that resturant out. It's worth it. *smile*

*grabbing the bucket and *~*drolling*~**
Look at those blue eyes

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

deaf-hearing person?!?!

I. King Jordan did said that??

I feel sorry for him... but not just him but many deaf people who raised by oral or those who refuse to use sign language or know very little. Something tells me that Jordan couldn't accept his deafness. A deaf people (some, not all) who raise oral and raise in hearing family may not realize themselves that they don't accept their own deafness. They must be like "hearing".

I'm having second thought. I'm getting out of my chest, now. I just realize that my mom in non-spoken language that she doesn't accept my deafness. She is expecting me to be "hearing" I looked back and sum up all to the presents. She doesn't accept my deafness at all. Even though she said that she does but her body language spoke louder. For a split moment, I was tempting to take off my hearing aid and never use my voice for rest of my life. *sigh* I just depend on hearing aids for so long and I do enjoy listen music. I always listen to music before I go to sleep. It's my favorite things to do. One thing I do know is that my mom doesn't realize what she's doing most of the time. One day, I'm going to have a "long talk" to her.

*sigh* I do feel sorry for those who are deaf and doesn't accept their deafness. Even they are born deaf or deaf in later age. They can't accept it because they were raise in hearing family and most likely they don't accept their deafness. What's worst? Audiologist (specialize in nose, mouth, and ear, why? They're connected.) don't accept deaf people being deaf. They try to "cure" their deafness by giving them hearing aids and chocolor(sp) implant. I was working at the store I notice young toddler have chocoe(sp) implant. Even audiolist try to convice me to wear of every visit I go. One day, I fed up. I told him "no, I'm not interesting." He said, "because of 'deaf power'?" HECK! There are several reasons why I refuse, one is I'm not interesting to look like the "borg" (for those who don't know, watch Star Trek: The next Generation or Voyager simple way to explain is half human and half robot). Two: I don't want to cut my hair on one side and have surgery. I'm not intersting on that. Three: I can't scuba diving. The man just stood there with jaw wide open. Geez, what's next? Most audiologists are really closed-minded. I rarely meet any open-minded. I find them so annoying. Some audiologists expect me to be "hearing" too. They refuse to try to communicate to make sure that you understand. In fact, they never explain deapth about choclor (sp?) implant. I didn't know any of those until I went to Gallaudet and learn more about it. I'm so glad that I did learn.

Oh, I have nothing against for those who have wonderful experience with cholor implant which I have already met a few. However, that implant is NOT my thing! Too BAD to audiologist, they just interesting in more money, that's all! They never interesting to learn the differences. That's why I wish audioligist wasn't existance for area. Again, I'm grateful for hearing aids. Just don't like those closed-minded people and audiolists are the worst closed-minded I ever met.

Tonight is the night

*sigh* I finally decided not to get off my chest, right now. I'm not ready as I thought I would.


At work, it was busy and yet not so busy.... Yeah, All the girls leave at 10pm and just me and the team leader. Sadly, the girls didn't do their work. The team leader went to have lunch break all the girls went into the group in fitting room and chatting for 3o minutes. I was thinking, "What a waste of time?!" I knew that I will be doing all the dirty work after them because team leader and I are going to stay after 11pm. I wouldn't be able to go home early. Turn out, when everybody had left, there are 4 carts worth of clothes to put them away. Later, the team leader called my name and I looked up quickly. She pointed for another cart that have to put it away. My jaw dropped and my eyes are wide as I was thinking, "Geez, thanks-a-lot-more-work-for-me, well, for 'us' the team leader and I." The team leader gave out a small laugh. I think it is my face expression that is priceless. That what she's laughing about.

Doesn't matter, I'm taking all my time to put things away until (very lucky) other team came in to join to help us to put all the clothes away. Afterward, we were able to go home by midnight and not 1am in the morning. The music stuck in my head from the movie I watch "The Shadow Dancer" actor Joshua Jackson. It's dragging on romance moive but still good movie. I kinda enjoy watching. Anyway as I mention this while ago about music stuck in my head from that moive is
"When marimba rhythms start to play
Dance with me, make me sway
Like a lazy ocean hugs the shore.
Hold me close, sway me more"

That's the only part that stuck in my mind. Here's the rest which those didn't stuck in my head....

"Like a flower bending in the breeze
Bend with me, sway with ease
When we dance you have a way with me
Stay with me, sway with me

Other dancers may be on the floor
Dear, but my eyes will see only you
Only you have the magic technique
When we sway I go weak

I can hear the sounds of violins
Long before it begins
Make me thrill as only you know how
Sway me smooth, sway me now"

For some reason, I really like this statement "Like a lazy ocean hugs the shore"

Arrivng at home, I ate light dinner and play checker with my mom before my mom goes to bed. I am the one who stay up a little bit later. I usually check emails first before I go to bed.... if dad remembers to hook up the computer. I don't have the password. It's my dad's computer that I use. Unforunately, my laptop sucks now. (long story). I'm thinking about buying new computer next month or Feburary. I doubt I would be able to buy this month because I'm buying christmas presents for my parents and I have to buy some medication, too. So I couldn't go for it right now.


My mom told me that Reese is being so sad today. She's pouting, moping, and laying down all eveing while I was gone. She wasn't happy until I came home. Aawwww, she misses me. She's such a sweeting.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Last Thursday

Yes, it's true. We got flurries last Thursday. My dad came home from work that morning and I called the place where I worked that I wouldn't be there that night. It's great to stay home for 3 days that's Wed, Thur, and Fri. Believe me it's good to be at home. I didn't really enjoy much last Thanksgiving because it's just one day and it's diffcult to relax. So, having 3 days off gave me to able to relax and enjoy more. Somehow my parents and I celebrate early Christmas. We have ourselves potroast and many veggies. We setted up candles and fireplace and light up the Christmas tree as we watching snowing through our windows. *~*~*Sing-a-song, I'm dreaming of the White Christmas just like the one we use to know*~*~*. Oh, don't forget, we did start playing christmas carols from CD's. Reese seems enjoy so much for me to be at home. She's really exciting when I take her for a walk for 2 days. My dad said to me, "It's good to have you home." Few moments later, my mom said the same thing. I respond twice, "I agreed, it is good to be at home."

And I'm back to work on Saturday. At work is very exhausted. I didn't come home until 1am, today. It will get worst later on, as I mention before, we might be home like 4am. Mostly, we are busy with toys. We're finally able to get this done.

Oh, yes I'm staying up late right now. It's past 2am, that's because I'm trying to wind down first and have myself a light snack so I can go to bed able to sleep better. I dislike I'm having all wind up with engergic and eyes wide open. *sigh*

Well, I did apply 2 application for 2 different stores which they do have better hours. One closed at 9:30 and other closed at 9pm. I hope to get hired is the one that closed at 9pm. We'll have to wait and see. I hope to hear from them by this week for interview *fingers and toes crossing*

My days off would be Monday, Thursday, and Saturday. My mom and I are planning to check out the new grocery store this Saturday. We hope that they will be open by this week. My mom suggestion for me to work there. I refuse. I want to know about the hours first before I apply. I'm not going to stay there that late.

Everything else is okay. Family and our pets are doing good.

Reese and the backyard, she was nearby the fence and I had my cell phone read. I called her to come and she runs down toward me and I took that snap. I could have swore I see a "fancy horse." Some times, she trod up and down in a slow way. Looks so much like a horse or some kind of ballet-like when she seems like tiptoe. Very much lady-like.

Oh, there's something interesting. I could have swore that I saw her smiling. I mean, when I was on the phone, I gave Reese belly rub and I stopped because I have to use my both hands and then give her belly rub. It repeat everytime. I looked at her when I stopped, she's not smiling. When I start belly rub again, she's smiling. She actually smiling. Her lips moved.