Saturday, March 31, 2007

More Rain!

Oy! My friend Jennifer mention her friend's wife stuck in Dallas due to thunderstorm. Stuck in airport isn't a good thing, that's what I heard. Although, I didn't have that experience, yet. I hate the idea of cancel the flight because of weather. Of course, Safety comes first but still not exactly relaxing.

Anyway,it is a good news for me! More rain means less work. Thanks to Mother's Nature, she did gave me more rain yesterday. I was working yesterday. I came home early because it wasn't busy. *sigh* and not so tired. According to WeatherMan said will be raining tomorrow. Often times, weatherman is wrong but I sure hope not. Please Mother's Nature, rain more this weekend. That's including Sunday and Monday. I'm begging here. Like I mention before more rain means less work, not so many people willing to go out to shop on raining days. I'm willing to do the dance rain... *grin* Hahaha I know, that sound silly.

Anyway, My parents and I decided to go out a very nice dinner night. I dress very cute outfit. We went to that fancy restaurant nearby CheeseCake Factory. It just set it up about a month ago. Sadly, it is available at 9pm and it's 6pm when we arrived. We didn't want to wait. So instead, we went ahead and go to that...mmmmm, Eat-All-You-Can-Eat different kind of meats... Again, I was certainly pig-out! Yummy! It's been long time since I have steak, again. LOL. I ate more than my parents can eat. Haha I continue to eat while my parents just sat there and wait for me to get full. Afterward, we came home and watch a movie on tv called "A guy thing" It's cute movie. It's not so great but sweet.

Meanwhile, everything else are good.

Oh, a very good chance that my parents would not go to move to AZ. Whew!

Even though they are moving or not to move, I'm staying here in TX.

Your Hidden Power Is: Earthly

You are sort of childish yet brave. If you get pissed off you become a very strong fighter. You hate seeing the earth die and you use your special powers to save the earth from becoming hell. You are loved by many and hated by few but you only despise those that try and destroy your wonderful earth.

Gem Stone:Emerald Eye Color:Lime Green Hair Color:Brown with green on the bottom tips and it is shoulder length flipped out.

Quote:I tear my heart open. I sew my self shut. My weakness is that i care to much. And our scars remind us that the past is real. I tear my heart open just to feel.
Take this quiz!


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Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Thanks to Mother's Nature! Thank You!! Yeah, I was so thrill about thunderstorm ealier, today. Also, it contiune to rain on and off (I'm guessing). I left with very light rain. I enter work. I can hear thunderstorm (with hearing aid). It was certain loud. One of the person works there ask me if I can feel it. I told her I can hear it. It's loud. She said yes it is. It has been doing that for a while. I'm so glad because I knew less costumer means less work. Less work means go home early once everything is done. YES! I came home early, today. *sigh* I do not feel so exhausted but tired... not exhausted. Thank goodness. I can rest and really do enjoy watching some tv shows. Now, here I am.

Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, make it rain more this weekend. It would sure help a-lot!
Sing-a song: "It's raining life! The forest is breathing and the fern are rejoycing. It's raining life."

Now, I feel more relax. I'm gettting a little sleepy.

I'm off tmw and Wedesnday. But I'm going back to same store to buy few things. I'm going to get them while they're on sale. *grin*

Meanwhile, I think my biological clock is starting to tick. Eeerrr. I'm single. Hahaha. Oh, I'm not going to get pregant. I rather adopt. That's me. For those who wants to get pregant, be my guest. I'm not. I refuse to get into that. *smile*

I haven't finished with my application. I might do that once I recived my H.S. transcirpt. Oh, I've finally got my College transcirpt, too, today! It is also require. I got around to do it. My weakness is procastning but I'm doing much better than I use to be. I'm going to set my mind not to procastning once I go back to college, again.

OY! I never thought I would go back to school again. Well, one greatest thing about being single is to enjoy being single. Wink. Hahaha. Who knows? Maybe it's time for me to check out those cute guys there. In meantime, just enjoy life.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Luis concern about education

I was listening what Luis had to say about edcuation and compare the differences mainstreamed and deaf school. As I mention before, I have grew up oral and later learn SEE (Sigh Exact English). I pick up very little by little of ASL and I enter Gallaudet. I was so overwhalmed(sp?) with so much easier to commuicate as well learn more ASL.

As I mention before, I was lucky to move different places and I was able to learn many different teaching methods of what teachers had taught me that they think what's best for me. It's funny. I learn so much with many different method. Again (forgive me for repeat), I think it is depend on government, prinicipal, and supertendented prinicipal... and possible community.

Reason I say this is because one is I moved. I grew up mainstreamed. I went to preschool and it is private preschool for the deaf. It is excellent providing education because it is base on community. I learn a lot. I enter one elementary school. The edcuation was O.K. It was the teacher herself is abusive. Long story, somehow she got fired. Later, there's a new teacher came in. I could have swore, I see twins. Despite the fact they look sooo different. One have blond and other have black. One is taller and other is shorter. But everthing thier personality and behavior and the way they moved... exact the same. Truth is, it is the prinicipal should be fired. We moved. I went second elemtartry, the education SUCKS! Everything same, same, same, same, same, everyday. Same math problems, same reading problems, and etc. Over and over. Nothing new, nothing exciting... OY! I told my parents about it so we moved again.

I went to 3rd elemtartary, it was pretty good. It is a little bit challenging. I learn a lot. We moved again. 4th elemtartary, I learn more. The teacher notice my higher level is science and Soical Studies. (GOD! I HATE Social Studies and I have no idea why am I soo good at that? I find it sooo boring. I rather science.) So, the teacher put me higher level of Science and Soical Studies (still don't like Social Studies and whats ironic? I don't remember what's Social Studies, now. Haha) So this 4th elemtartry was so much better than the previous ones. I enter Middle School. Education was excellent.

We moved again, I enter 2nd Middle School. The education wasn't that good. It wasn't challenge. The 1st Middle School's education is better. I have more challenging there. Anyway, I did learn here and there. I acutally enjoy there. I think it is the environment.

We moved again. Lucky, I finished my 8th grade and able to move 9th grade in High School without interprut again in the middle of it. Meanwhile, the High School was O.K. The teacher didn't want me to go to learn different language. I remember I was depsitely wants to learn Spanish and French. I should have told my parents about that. They will agrue with them and get me into it. But what's done is done. Point is, the education was pretty good.

By the way, I did visit School for the Deaf in Calforina. It is well-known in Riverside. Calfornia school for the Deaf, I heard it is best school for the deaf. In fact during that that I was elemtartary, all the deaf people went to that deaf school instead of mainstream in Middle School. So, I want to go where they're going. My mom had a good point after I visit there. They are teaching deaf people "how to be costumer". In another word, they're teaching "metal retended" how to live in the world same way they are doing to deaf children at Deaf School. There isn't best education. So, I didn't went. I continue to mainstream.

My point is, it is depend on how do they teach and finicially (sp?). Sometimes, my parents have to push. Oh, before I enter 2nd middle school, there wasn't any deaf in mainstream in Middle School. All Deaf Children goes to Elementary, some are older enough to go to Middle School and some are older enough to go to High School. However, they are going to Elemtartry. My parents have to push REAL hard that my parents doesn't approve that. My parents wants me to go to Middle school and have deaf program there and High School including. Of course, they're upset because they want to keep money to themselves and not spend on delveloping deaf program in mainstream for Middle School and High School.

I remembered that &%^ teacher put me seprately from the deaf group. So, the deaf group rejecting me. Mainly because teachers (notice the plural) mad at my parents so they put it on me. I had have hard time fitting in. Deaf children are already clicked start from Elementary. So seeing teacher rejecting me so they rejecting me, too. Yeah, my mom saw that so she fussed at my teacher for doing that. But it was too late. The rest of the kids were rejecting me.

Now, come to think of it... It was my parents push real hard to get me a better education. Not the school..... Now, I know why they moved a lot... The real reason is finding better education for me. Children who recieved better education is from the parents who push it to make it happen.

Thanks Mom and Dad.

P.S. ASL is the key to improve the english. It's true. The research have proven that and I notice it that, too. I may not be excellent english but I used to be a lot worst. Not oral and not SEE can improve my english.

Hope that I give a good feedback for you, Luis. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.

Friday, March 23, 2007

No Title this time...

Ya know? I admit that I'm in safe haven here at home with my parents. I've really do enjoy living with my parents. Yes, I admit that I'm in a comfort zone. At least, I finally get around to fill out of the appiclation for University (not going to mention where and this time it is not Gallaudet). There's a few things that I'm stuck on especially relate about tax. I never thought this is getting complicant more and more. I also found out that I have to have High School transcirpt. I never have to have it until now. I have no choice but to find my High School phone number and address. I did called to make sure it is the right H.S. first and find out how much does it cost for H.S. transcirpt. Fine me for 5 bucks, geez, nowadays, everything have to be money this and money that. What do you guys think? I'm not rich. Whatever. I already mail it and now I have to wait for transcirpt to comes in for next few weeks or so.

Reason why, I choice not to go to Gallaudet. I only have one class left and I do not want to waste my money to be full time student there, just for one #$%# class. I never been so pissed off in my whole life. I found out that I only have one class left as whole time I thought I was graudated (it's a long story.) I feel like what the heck wasted this #$%#$. What's done is done. What's important is for me to get that #$%# degree. In meantime, I discover that living in Texas more than one year, I get to go to University FREE because of my deafness and thanks to the government. So, again, I'm not going to waste more money on Gallaudet. Plus I already have high debt of student loan and I do not want to spend more on that craps. I have had enough. If I knew that student loan is bunches of B.S. I wouldn't have borrowed their money. They're like credit card. Geez!

So, after few weeks (or is it several weeks?) of consideration, I decided to be full time student at University. By the way, I finally have my courage to go there to visit by myself. It's a long drive alright. Sssshhhh don't tell my parents. *wink* Anyway, one thing I hate the most is the bridges, way too many. A few is so-so and one is good and none is best. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I never really comfortable driving up on the bridges. Unless it is flat, I'm good. This bridges are always rounded and... sorta like curve. I feel like I'm on a rollar coaster. In fact, I feel like my car would fall off the bridge. Yes, I know sound parainod(sp?). Like I said, I feel more comfortable of the bridge is flat and no curves. I toldenerance(sp) but I managed. Obvious, I do not like height. Anyway, I went there to explore alittle and lucky I decided to bring backpack so I can feel like being in the "pack" and not out of the loop there. Haha. Pretending to be a student and not a visitor. *g* It makes me feel a little better. I do not want tour guide. I rather check out for myself to see if I could ya know... to see if I'm feeling comfortable around. I explore around and found biology building and chemistry building. OY! It is sure a long walk. This University seems bigger than Gallaudet (or is it has been a while??). I did went inside the building and look around, too. I wrote down some names of the professor it is always show on the outside of the office. I look around hopefully to catch a glimpse some of the professors. I managed to saw a few as I walk by here and there (not just the office but classroom espeically if you pick the right timing when the class finished and to move on the new class like walk in the hall way around 1:52pm) It is best way to see them. So far, I think they are nice under my observation. After been experiences of meeting people and getting to know people, I'm starting to know weather or not they are good people by just by their charastic (sp? Means sorta like personality) faces. The way how they project themselves inside and out.

I feels funny for me to visit at University. It has been few years since I've been in school. I looked around. Surprisely, there are quite a lot of Asian people there. I heard that Asian people are quite intellenet people. I'm not sure if I wanna go for that. For some reason, that made me quite more nervous. Anyway, I just now realize something. So far, I don't see any Asian professors.... Weird. My main question is, can I handle that? Seem too high expectation for me...

*Sigh* There's something else pop in my mind. Maybe contact one of the biology advisor and ask to meet him/her to discuss more about classes and what they have and don't have. Maybe to find out what if I want to graduate at that Unversity and not Gallaudet? Would it give me a better chance to find job?? Or it doesn't really matter? Would that makes the differences or not?

What if I decided to stay a few more years? What if I decided to join sorinity(sp?)? I heard that join the greek society might give a better chance to find job because of connection and network. Someone could help you to find job because that person knows you and can give a better feedback. Plus able to involve activity shows that I can do teamwork and able to make commitments and hard worker. Mmmmm?? Once someone had mention to me, she said something like that, "I refuse to join because it is like "buying" friends." It's possible. I know someone who once join said that they seems very supportive on the outside while the inside it is not. There other person said that they are supportive inside and out. I think it has to do with what group is it and what kind of people are they inside that group. You have to pick the group wisely. I remember once when I use to involve Christians group this guy mention to me, "No matter where you are or what group you in (or what company you work in, I add this part), there's always two or three bad apples in the group." Nobody is perfect.

The thing is... I do not want to involve Christian anymore. So, what else is there a "group" other than Christian, A Greek Society?? I still would like to involve activity in a group. I realize I truly do enjoy doing that. However, I really do not like is lack of commuincation. I'm sure there's hearing people might have some sign language. However, there's limited. Plus, I finally know who am I so I don't feel under the pressure anymore of being somebody else that they expect me to be. I do not feel any burden heavy in my heart by trying to be "Christian" Crystal and not being "ME" Crystal. I feel that I'm being "ME" Crystal and as I mention before, I finally know who am I. Now, I do not have to be "Greek Society" Crystal. I'm Crystal who involve this "Greek Society" or "any names group" (ex: "Humane Society, and etc.") Maybe it might be wise to pick a group that something that I feel in common (not fit in but something that I feel relate with or something that I do believe in....

Let's go back what if I decided to stay few more years? Would I get tired of it? Would I feel burn out? Would I find my motive to stay? Will I find internship during the summer? Will I find internship is better than my previous internship?? Will I be able to continue or what? Well, one thing is that I still have one class left. If I do not want to continue few more years, then I can just transfer my class credit to Gallaudet and graudated from there. So, I think it would be wise if I just stay one semester as full time student and to test to see how I feel about staying in another year or so. To see if I have the motive to continue, to see if that is what I really want. To see if I am feeling comfortable about staying a little longer. After all, I'm getting older... Not younger.

Curious....Will I find a good guy there? Or would they be too young for me?? Mmmmm? Haha, I'm still mention about a guy... Who knows... any comments about my comments?

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

I'm back...

Yeah, yeah, yeah... I'm back.. obvious. *wink*

Okay, there is a song that capture my attention. Well, it is from my friend's CD... I try to give back but somehow lost contact since. So, I still have that CD. I decided to listen to it again. Like I said, there's a words that capture my attention. What's funny? I don't understand but something the music and the way she's sang capture my attention. So, I finally find my time to search for it and I found it. It is just first two paragraph that I really liked.

Laugh and Cry
Live and Die
Life is a dream. We are dreaming.

Day by Day
I find my way.
Search for the soul and the meaning

That's the only 2 paragraph that I liked the best. The rest I really don't care that much. However there's another paragraph that I do like it, too.

People run
Sun to sun
Caught in their lives ever flowing.

Here's the overall song: "Then You Look At Me"

Anyway, I really do like those words. I listen to it quite often.

Well this time, this will be a short blog.

I do agree with Mother Threasa(i'm not catholic) one thing of her quote. "If you want the world peace, start with your family."

Monday, March 19, 2007

Hello again!

aaahhhh yes, the previous blog as I mention one thing lead to another. I found quizlla and I was so hoping to land on Daniel. *sigh* isn't he dreamy? Heehee. You going need to forgive me for I will might be stuck on talking about Dr. Daniel Jackson from the stargate from almost every blog I write (or should I say type?) from time to time. Again, I'm so disappointed that DARN Sci-Fi channel choose to cancel the show... URG... so that means there will be last several espidode(sp?) starting April 13th (yes, it's Friday the 13th. I'm kinda glad that show wouldn't be showing any horror movies on Sci-Fi like showing "Pumpkinhead part 1, part 2, part 3... and I think part 4" and many other stupid horror movies when it comes to Friday the 13th.) . Afterward, there will be a movie to summize it all and possible not show on tv but will send release thru DVD. Geez.... Sci-Fi made a final decision what a load of craps. Did I mention this before?.... The first record on Guiness for longest sci-fi show is Stargate. Well, obvious it is been 10 years longer than Star Trek. No wonder why Stargate is soo popular. *grin* Oh well, sci-fi seems so desprate... because they add on "LIVE" westling (sp?) (means physical fight almost like boxing but use in weastling.) Anyway, since when Westling becomes a Science Fiction?? I'm going to say this again, "GEEZZZ"

Yeah, yeah, yeah, obvious, I'm in disappointed and complain again. Forgive me for repeat.

Okay, change subject.

Let me see... What else is new? Okay...

Let's talk about Reese, my doggie. My sweet baby girl...

Okay, other day my mom talk to me about Reese and my dad while I was away from work or someplace else. My dad came home from work in a grumpy mood. Reese sure knows how to butter up my dad (according to my mom as she watching and observing them). My dad told Reese, "quit it" in a grouchy old man tone of voice. Reese jumped down and lay down for a while. My dad sat down on the couch to watch some tv show. Few moments later, Reese jump up on the couch and try to get close to my dad. Again, my dad said in a grumpy tone of voice, "Go Away!" So, Reese jumped down and lay down for a little while. Few moments later, she jumped up and got real close to my dad's face. She knew that my dad doesn't like to be lick 'cuz he'll get grumpy again. So, she put her head on his shoulder. That melts my dad's heart and gave her attention by talking and petting her. Afterward, she jumped down on the floor and seems satified that she's able to butter up my dad. Sooo cute!

Here's another story... Reese knows the differences by what I wear shoes and pants (or short). She will know if I wear blue jeans or dress or skirt or different kind of nice pair of shoes that means I'm gone shopping and/or eat out dinner. She's not happy. Her tail doesn't wag as much.

If I'm planning to stay home all day, I would wear black slipper with pair of socks (or without depend on weather) and comfortable indoor pants on (or short depend on weather). She would sniff from my foot to leg then start wagging her tail and she got really exciting that I'm staying at home and ready to play and expecting to go out for a walk.

If I'm going to work, I would be wearing tan pants and brown comfortable working shoes. She would sniff and lay down and ingoring me. (I think she knows that I'm gone too long than I am going shopping and come home very shortly).

If I'm wearing an excerise pants with white tennis shoes, she would sniff and start wagging her tail and jumped on me. She get very exciting to know when to go for a walk. She would be barking and going to the door or going to where's the leash is at. She would run back and forth while I'm busy trying to put my shoes on and telling her, "Just a minute... give me a few minutes" or "be patient girl, I'm getting there. Give me some time."

So, there is a small confusion there since I'm going to physical theapy. I do put on my white pair of tennis shoes. She would be jumping up and down. I told her, "no" few times. She looked at me and then she lay down. Few moments later, I have keys in my hand and still wearing that tennis shoes. She came and sniff my shoes and sniff my keys then came to my mom. She did that few times. My mom said, "I know, I know what you want. You want to go for a walk." Reese barked and got a little exciting. My mom quickly said, "No. No walk. She's going Bye-bye." She stop jumping up and down and looked at my mom with her head tilted. Again, my mom repeat of what she said, "....Crystal is going bye bye." as she wave her hands to Reese and talk to her like a little girl. Reese moved her eyebrows and her head tilted other side. Finally, she lay down and look at me and look at my mommy. She doesn't understand why I'm leaving without her and that I'm going to excerise but she understand that I'm leaving without her.

My mom said that Reese's remind her of me. When I was a little girl, I was so furstrated when I try to say something that none of the adult can understand what I was trying to say. My mom can see that very similar in Reese. She wants to talk and yet she can't. It is very furstrated for her. So my mom speak "her language" for her so she would understand what's going on.

Speaking of bye-bye, I always say good bye to my parents before I leave to work or elseplace. Reese took it very personal when I didn't say good bye to her. She wasn't happy and she barely move around. My mom told me about that so I told Reese "bye bye" before I leave. My mom said that it makes a big differences. She's happy and she was looking out the window and just waiting for me to come home. So, she knows what "bye-bye" is.

More stories to tell in the future. (Reese chewing her bone.)

One thing lead to Another...

Who is your Stargate fantasy man? (Ver. 2.0)

Daniel is your fantasy. You like that he's smart, caring, and cute.
Take this quiz!


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Sunday, March 18, 2007


Here I am. I know. My dad stayed in AZ a little longer than expected. Something had happened. It's a looonnng story. At least, he's made back home.
Sadly, we wouldn't be able to go to AZ until June or so. ARGH!!

Oh well... Life goes on... We're still going. At least the company is paying the cabin, so that way we can cut off the elertric and water for a month at home here in TX to save some of the money at least. It will be extremely hot like last year. Something that I'm not looking forward to. At least, I'm working at the store where's nice A/C there.
I'm still working on second shift lately. I just fill out for morning shift and would start on April 9th. *crossing fingers* hoping to get that approval. I do not want to work late at night anymore as much as I do not want to work too early in the morning. I'll pick morning instead of night because I have to stay to finish whatever it is that I'm stuck on it so I still come home too late. Beside, I want to get in the habit of eating 3 meals a day... morning, lunch, and dinner. I have been eating lunch and dinner then late dinner. It's not good for me to eat late dinner then go to bed. That would make me gain weight. That's why I want to stick to the same rotinue and after eat dinner, I will take Reese out to walk. That way it would be easier for me to lose more weight. My weight is still the same. I'm losing but not as much. So, I want to change around so I can focus more to lose weight by follow the schudule. I can't walk outside at midnight when I come home. It's too dangerous. That's why I rather walk in evening after dinner while still have some daylight. Oh, other reason why I don't want to work late at night is because I never know when to leave because almost no one tells me it's time to go. It makes me uncomfortable to be the last person to leave from the parking-a-lot. Again, it's dangerous. That's why. The minors (those who are under 18) get lucky to leave at 9:45pm it is require by law. Non-minors require to stay until finish. NO FAIR! Hahaha... Yeah lucky them (minors).

Anyway, my parents and I are doing fine and so are our pets. They are doing okay.
But one car isn't that good. OY!! I drive my mom's car and.... Ummmm, I cut to short to the right and hit against the cornor of the wall at home... yes it is my parent's house. It show a little stranch(sp?) on the passenger's door at the right side of the car at the backseat of the car (it's 4 doors car). Just a small one. At least, I think so but still. It's not good. My mom found out and start fussing at me. SAVE YOUR money and get JUNK car soon! OY! I was so hoping to buy my new computer guess I have to change on my wish list to put car on top of my list, now.
Here's the funny part, a few days later, my mom did exact what I did but WORST. Hahaha. She speed up and cut too fast than I do. She stranch(sp?) it real bad same door where I did. But this time the car is stuck. My mom can't go forward or backward so it stuck there. I can't get out so I got out the driver's side. Few moments later, my mom is able to figure it out and finally able to move the car out of the way. It was worst than mine. Now, is it still my fault? Hahahaha. Look like I'm not the only one who make the same mistake here. Pppfftttt at my mom. My mom said, "aaaa Shut Up!" obvious she wouldn't admit this time. Heehee. So, is there a chance for me to buy a computer. I didn't really say it but I can hear my mom said don't push your luck in my mind. Hahahaha

What else is new? Well....I will post it next time. My mind is drawing blank, right now.

OH!! My good friend from Missiouri just had a baby boy about couple weeks ago. Crongrats to new mommy and daddy!! I bet he's adorable. I hope to get to see him soon. *Smile*