Monday, June 26, 2006

Dream Dictionary

First, if you haven’t read my dream other night then check this out "Nice Dreams".

Like my mom once said, don’t always believe this because often time it is not always true. Well, weather, or not it is true, I think sometimes it is nice to help you to understand the meaning. We can choice to say that isn’t true or it is true.

I’ve decided to look up a
dream dictionary.

It is depend on the context of your dream. Here’s the blue color,
Blue represents truth, wisdom, heaven, eternity, devotion, tranquility, loyalty and openness. The presence of this color in your dream, may symbolize your spiritual guide and your optimism of the future. You have clarity of mind.
Mmmm, that does make sense to me. Check that out if you haven’t read “
Life is not easy

Next would be a dress. Let check that out. To see or wear a dress in your dream represents a feminine outlook or feminine perspective on a situation. You are freely expressing your femininity.
To dream that you are wearing a white dress, suggests that you want to appear pure and angelic toward others
Now, that’s interesting part. I think that is similar apply to “Life is not easy.” It sound very good news about that. It sound like it does apply of what happened to me.

Next one would be a crown. Let check that one out and see what the outcome is. To see a crown in your dream, symbolizes success and prominence.

WOW! It does sound true to me.

Mmmm, let see what happen when it comes to be a queen. To see a queen in your dream, symbolizes intuition and personal growth. The queen is also a symbol for your mother.
For a woman to dream that she is a queen, indicates your desire for increased status and power. Alternatively, it may indicate that you need to listen to others.

Mmmm, I disagree with that small part. I’m pretty sure that it has to do with the ex-N that I have to go through very tough times when I left him I was in a despair and lost hope. Everything seems nothing worth living for. I think that’s why I was being a queen is because that’s when I realize that I do have the control. I can’t control people/weather/nature but I can have the control of my own life and that no one can tell me what to do. I’ve realize that I am in charge of my life. It has nothing to do with others. I think that small country that I rule meant is my life and knowing that I can’t control the whole world or a large country. So, small country is who I am as a person. Now speaking of train to be a queen is that because I am learning. I’m still learning along the way. That makes sense to me why I was dreaming that way.

I decided to skip the celebrity. I have to check out about the chocolate. What does that stands for? To see chocolate in your dream signifies self-reward. It also denotes that you may be indulging in too many excesses and need to practice some restraint.

Oooohhh, that sounds a good one, too. I agree with self-reward part. I do deserve a few pats on my back.

Now let see the celebrity part, and this website I provide earlier isn’t there. So off to search another website of Dream Dictionary.
If the famous people are ignoring you, perhaps you need to reduce your obligations and focus on what's really important to your heart.

Mmmm I wonder about that one. He wasn’t ignoring me. He acknowledges and moves on. However, I wasn’t that exciting when I approach to him. I just want to let him know that he did very good job of acting. Mmmm?

I notice that there is more info beside the celebrity so I clicked on Fame. To dream of achieving fame yourself suggests you are trying to grasp something that is beyond your reach; high aims are commendable, but it's healthier to keep them within reasonable bounds. However, if your dream involved a famous person, keep trying, because you'll get help from some unexpected source.
MMmmm I wonder if it has to do with writing novel and/or script?

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