Wednesday, June 28, 2006


Let me see, what movies that I've been watching. "End of the Spear" is really a very good movie. It's about missionary who try to change people from stone age to 21 century. It's good! Check it out.

Even though I'm no longer christian but I still enjoy learning.

One thing that got me thinking about something, when the weather was nice, my mom and I took my dog for a walk in the neighborhood. We saw two teenager boys riding their bike and stop and told us that they are mormon and wondering if we would like to hear about Jesus Christ. My mom said no, thanks. They left in a respectful way. They were wearing black pants and white top and i think red tie?? I forgotten what color of the tie. But It doesn't matter. I told my mom maybe they should check out check out more info in speaific one that could give a wake up calls. My mom said it is better to be where they are at especially at their age instead of ending up in the street where gangs and killing and all those volience. They are a young teenagaer. They seems to be under 16. I think that my mom is right. sometimes even religion may not be always true as they seems to be but it is better off for them to be where they are at right now instead of being bored and try to find something to fight because there's nothing to do.

We all are looking for a purpose meaning something to do instead of sitting and feel like there's nothing to do and try to find a purpose. So finding a purpose is to do something. Weather we helping at the elder folks home or setting up charities for animals. Weather we volunteer to help of many different things that helps us to feel useful and purpose. It is same with the religion people out there searching for a purpose to feel useful for God/gods/goddess/creator/great spirit and etc. I thought that was interewsting. Since we no longer have to fight to live as survial the fitest. We taken things for granted to go to work and come home eating our daily meals.That's why we kept searching for a purpose. Does that make sense?

Anyway, the "End of the Spear" is a good movie. We also watched "FreedomLand." That's another good one. Behind Trail movie from the tv is a good one, too. I didn't know about the slave from China move to America and be a slave and it is similar things with black people from the Aficia just a little bit different. Now that's interesting one. Something different instead of something common can be very interesting to watch. Something that you didn't know about would learn something instead of same concept of the story. Like Civil wars, there usually make civil wars so many times for those movies can be quite boring Like "Gods and the Gerenal" (I think it is right title then maybe not), "Cold Mountain" are one of the few example of showing civil war. We already dknows about them why keep on showing them? I admit that I was sooo bored watching those kind of moive. I only watch them because other are watching plus there isn't anything else to watch.

Oh, K-19 Widowmaker (forgot to add widowmaker) is rather pretty good. MOstly talking but still interesting about what happen to russian people during the cold war between America and Russia. I admit taht I almost fall asleep through that movie but able to catch of what's going on.

Last, I decided to buy 2 movies, superman pt 1 and 2. I know it might be sound a bit lame but it doesn't matter. I still like superman. My favorite are part 1 and 2. I dislike the rest. I was watching again, little did I realize that there are WTC. I was kinda surprised to see that.I forgotten all about that it showed on superman movie. I said it out loud and my mom said that we really do need Superman on that day. What she meant was 9/11.

Ask yourself, if you were in the plane on that day of 9/11 hyjacked and know what's going on about destory TWC, what would you do?

For me personally, I rather die fighting than sit to wait to die. I rather saved other poeple lives and that's what I'm going to do to join others to fight. What would you do? Would you stay in the seat or would you join to fight?

Oh, I forgot to add something else. Eight Below about the sled Husky dogs. BEWARE! It's a tearjerker. It will make you cry and it's gooood movie. It's bittersweet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh I want to watch Eight Below. Other movies you mentioned I haven't heard of before, and would check them out.