Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Losing my mind?-Edit

Other day, I decided to fix something to eat and I thought maybe make some chocolate chip cookies. There's a recipe on the bag of chocolate chips. I read the direction of how to make cookies and make sure I have all the needs that I have first before make them. Few minutes later, my mom come up to me and asked me what am I doing. I told her that I am going to make some chocolate chips cookies. She telling me how to make them in the right order sound very different from what I read. (By the way, she has years of experience cooking foods since she was 5 yrs old.) I was like huh? I decided to re-read and my mom say exact what the recipe said. It wasn't what I read the first place.

Am I losing my mind?

Ahhh Yes, about my losing my mind...

Well, I did join the group where they struggle with the N (Narcissitic Personality Disorder, or Narcissists). I know it has been over a year and never contact him since. I mean.. NEVER. Even though he might found me and contact me again but I kept my slience. As they said "Slience is Golden"

Anyway, I found out that I wasn't really losing my mind. It just going through stages with situation with N. I'm glad to hear that. That the N tends to like to play with your mind and it is their power to make you feel like you are losing your mind but it is really N who has their illness and not I. What's reallly important that I am being honest with myself and be able to face it while the N cannot because of their illness.

Thank Goodness for that!

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