Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Slept Hard and Long

WHOOO!! I slept hard today. I did set up clock alarm for noon. I accidently set up A.M. Yes, I went to be after midnight. So, I slept right through until 3pm. I woke up a little goggy but feels sooo good. What a strange dream, too! There's viking, celtic symbol, blue stone, mirror, and good looking hunks... They're TALL and BIG men. But they good-looking.. Not bum type with dirty long bread and etc. There are just nodding and gestures. There's very small converstation. I can't remember the converstation. There's some kind of meeting. It just jumped in different scene real quick like changing channel but same people. So, weird. But very nice way to sleep without interrprut.

Anyway, I'm going to the play again on Tuesday night because so many people signed up for it so they went ahead and add more for it. Lucky, I'm free this Tuesday night and Wedensday. Talking about perfect timing. For sure, I'm free Wedensday. However, I'm going to do errands around the house. Blah! Always doing errands... Nothing new. Haha!

Speaking of the play, it was good, tonight. I know one guy who also invovle that play. He only plays minor character; however, he did tried out the audition for Beauty and the Beast. OOoohhhh, that's my favorite Disney Movie..."Who could ever learn to love the Beast." Hehe, I also found out that guy is also playing the "beast". He is going to sing, too. There's a musical, too. If it is smiliar as the movie for songs and scirpts and words. GREAT! At least, I know what's going on when I am watching it. I'm pretty sure there will be interpreter for one night, too. So, I'm going!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I gotta see that play. It is one of several favorite Disney movies. *smile* Mmmm I may re-watch it before I go and watch the play.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Whoa, you slept until 3 pm?! You were definitely exhausted. The latest I would be willing to wake up is 8 to 9 am ;-)