Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Let It Rain!

Half don't mind and half do mind. I'm getting a little bored with the constantly rains. I want sunshine so I can go swim in the pool. Yet, I want rains only on my work days. Haha.

Well, I know that Mother's Nature don't always give what you want.

Well, I think that give me no exauses anymore. I have to start cleaning up and helping my mom cleaning up the house. Since there isn't anything else to do except maybe coloring/painting or any other indoor hobbies.

Reese had been begging for a walk. I managed to walk her during non-raining times but few minutes later, I feel one drop... two drops.... few more then got increasing. Of course, we get in the house before big fat rain drops on us. It was so thick rain that can make bubbles on the swimming pool. (Not ripples).... It's raining cats and dogs. I'm surprised that there isn't any flooding around here, lately. *knock on the wood* The ground is so soft, wet, and muddy. I have to wipe Reese's paws before going inside the house.

Well, I gotta go. ;-) before my mother is going to hit me in the head (not litereally). *SMILE*

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