Thursday, November 20, 2008


I think that's the right spelling. It is dog sport. As you might see on TV, there's seesaw, jumping, tunnel, and a poles for zigzag.

I've been searching where I can find get together for me and Reese, my dog. There's dog troop but it is too far to drive espeically when it comes an awful traffic. So I've search thru internet and trying to find something.

I ended up and found agility group meeting and it is not far from my home. I was thrilled when I find that out. I've been waiting for first day of class start.

Last Monday, I finally had a chance!! It was just a beginning. It was fun! I enjoyed. I think Reese enjoyed. She seemed to like to soical with othe dogs, too. It is only 8 of us. That is the max for class. That's nice! It makes more interactive and almost one-on-one tutor. Reese seems learned fast.

When I did at home, she likes that new game (from the Monday taught). I can't wait for new technique next week for Reese.

While I was there I saw 2 border collies, one is black and white and other is reddish-brown and white. They seems smaller than Reese. Resse is bigger. Now I wonder, what is other half of her. I guess I'll never know.

All I know she's very bright and loves to walk and play. She's sweet and outgoing.


At work, it is most easist task, I ever work! However, it is a lot of work!! It is too much makes it seems impossible to get it done. My boss asked me maybe do some kind of team. In another word, add one more person to do the task. However, that person isn't helpful. All that person was standing there and watching me for few moments then walk away. I was like... "Hello?" I refuse to say anything and minding my buisness. I let my boss or others take care of it. I know if a person didn't do the work, they will fired that person sooner or later.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Yep, you are correct, it is agility :-) It is definitely most fun for border collies. We have enrolled Lucy in a beginning agility class one time, and she definitely enjoyed it very much. You should check out Border Collie Society of America (I think that's correct name) if you haven't checked it out already.