Tuesday, September 09, 2008

no title...

There's a lot to say but seems to me I have writer block at this moment.

Anyway, that is photo of my dog, Reese on my profile. That pix was taken last year. Notice grass is brown? This year, we started to water at night. My dad find a way to set up automatic. It start around 2am or 3am (I couldn't remmy). This year, the grass is alittle green. Well, it is green but not dark green like I use to see in East...

Well, in the East, the drought came in and no water in plants. A lot of plants had died and grass are brown as I saw on news last year and before that. If there is one house shows green which is dead giveaway and it charge ya for it. I don't blame the law for trying to protect the water. The lake was very low. I remembered, I used to live in South Carolina and drove to Gergoria. Most of my family lives in Gergoria. I notice the lakes, even large lake, the water is low. I can see the borderline of used to be water to red dirt. And the water is so low that the dock isn't in the water anymore. Every time, we passed by every year. It just getting too low. People seems like either in daniel or just didn't believe that it really happens. Some people needs physical proof. Like, we drove by and did see that.

The news didn't mention about how's weather this year for Gergoria.

Speaking of Gergoria, there is a small country that's next to Russia. Russia is trying to invading Gergoria. McCain did spoke up about enough with cold war that we had in past and enough is enough while Ombama didn't speak up. He just on vacation. Well, Prez Bush was in Florida with kids in one school while 9/11 happens. Soon after the schhol part done, he quickly left. My point is, I wouldn't vote for Ombama. He's too young and lack of experiences. Anyway, I agree with MaCain, enough with cold war with Russia. All those tension could increase chances to lead WW3.

Well, I am leaning more on McCain, now. I know he's old man and has family history of cancer... Maybe just for first 4 years? Not another 4 more years as 2nd term? Mmmmm? I really want good strong leadership for America.

I still have one whole month to think about it.

Good nite...

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