Friday, January 11, 2008


That's short for Obcessive Complusive Disorder (sp?).

Is there such thing a book called, "how to deal with OCD bosses?" Beacuse there is fine line between clean freak and OCD.

First day, working with Q-tips to get in between, not satified. She wants sparkling clean. 2nd day, work with bleach and brush to get in between. She not satified. She complained, I want this sparkling clean.

Today is the 3rd day. She got steam cleaner. Unforuantly, when been plugged it in, it blowed a fused. Meanwhile, she wants me to dusting again on the same alse(sp). I haven't move to the new place for 3 whole days.

Like I said, there's a fine line between clean freak and OCD. My 15 minutes break is over.

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