Wednesday, November 07, 2007


Yep, I've been sneezing lately and no it's not a cold/flu. It's allergy. Man! I hated that. Being in a small space with two cats. I'm higly allergic to cats than dogs. (that's why I pick dog, not cats) If the space is large, then it's not so bad.
Now why am I speaking of space? Mmmmm.... I'm in AZ for real. Living in two bedrooms and two bathrooms apartment. Living room/dining room/Kitchen is connected in one room. Talk about small space here. Compare living in the house. There's no hallway or going up and down the stairs. But here we are staying for one month. So I've been taking allergy pills from the over the counter from the store. It helps but bigger space is much better. I have been outside more often where's the freesh air. Inotice my nose is alot clearer if I'm outside more than I'm inside. Well, it doesn't matter.

This apartmen t suppose to have heated pool but sadly according to the magner said, we do have heated pool but the heat pump is broke. Mom and I think she's lying. The manager of the apartment is lazy... cuz she kept postponing the paperwork for several weeks then finally got it. Then we arrive to AZ, we got the room... but we still waiting for other closure paperwork and AC adoptor (it is for the computer internet) without AC adoptor there's no way to have access to the internet. Geez, I thought we have to wait for few weeks by the time I got the AC adoptor, we are going back to Texas. Lucky, I just got the AC adoptor this evening.

Well, this town is pretty easy to learn a way around better than Texas. It has everything in one spot without spreading every where. It's much better. Save Gas, too.

We haven't find the Park, yet for Reese. I know she needs it. Reese has been moping around. She isn't in playful mood lately. Sadly, there's no backyard. I know Reese needs to go to the park. I know that will cheer her up better. I hate seeing her moping around.

We have no luck to find temopoary rental house or "vaction homes" It is either no pets allow or have pets allow, if the pets are allow but credit card is not acceptable. What a pain in the....... I found a perfect cottage-y house and has large fenced backyard. *sigh* But she doesn't accept credit card. Oh well....

Well, on the bright side, I got to have access on internet and tv cable. *big grin* Only reason I like it so much, Sci-fi... Of course it's Star Gate: Atlantis. Right now I'm watching the Animal Planet or Explorer, it's focus on Tiger in the wild. I enjoy watching that show. Well, not just for tiger but many other animals stuff. Once in a while, I do enjoy watching History Channel. Sometimes it is fancasting to watch but other times it can be boring. I only pick out what I know that I would enjoy.

Well, it's 11pm here while midnight in Texas, I've starting to go to bed early since there's no backyard, I have no choice but to wake up early in the morning and take Reese for a walk around in apartment area.

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