Well, the last day of using internet and cable is this Monday. Oh well, there's nothing I can do about it. Beside, my parents need to save money so they can afford to repair the A/C before the summer start next year.
Look at the bright side, I'm able to keep my t-mobile to keep up the communication and what's going on. Plus, I will visit library from time to time. There's another bright side, since I'm going to AZ, it has internet. So I can use it, too for one more month. We will be leaving November 1st.
Here's another news, we got the SUV. It has GPS (direction giving in the vichle) and DVD player. So that way, if ever get bored, we (except driver) will be able to watch some movies. I'm so glad about that part. It's nice to have technology nowadays.
By the way, notice that I tend to copy and paste it?? Reason why I did that is because I hate it every time when I want to go back to the certain website and it's no longer there, anyway. It's really annoying. That's why I did copy and paste it everytime. Especailly if I'm interesting in something and want to keep it.
Oreo, the black and white kitty, the vet said that he's 6 months old. We will wait until after the AZ to come home and have him nuetured/spray remove. The vet said that he looks fine. That he doesn't seem sick. One of the assistance said that "I wish I found him, he's so sweet!" When the vet gave him the shots. He meowed as he in pain and roll over as his way of saying pity me. He didn't bite nor stratch. He's really a sweet kitty.
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