Sunday, October 21, 2007


Wow! It's been long time since I actually celebrate Halloween. Mainly because that was in the past of Christan's way of saying don't celebrate Halloween cuz ya supporting EVILS. First time, I decided, I'm tired of that B and S. I felt freedom and sense of what I want to do. After all, I decided to do what I want for Halloween and enjoy it. I will double check to make sure that Halloween party is still continue and not cancel. I hope...
In meantime, my parents and I are going to AZ. We got ourselves apartment and rental SUV. Speaking of SUV, there's DVD and GPS. (Did I mention that before? I can't remember cuz I did mention several times to my friends.)

Oh, I also found out that the internet will but cut off Monday morning. Something that I'm not looking forward to. But there's a bright side, there will be internet at the apartment in AZ for one more month.

My parents and I are doing okay. Of course, there's a small fight with my mom but that's typical mother and daughter's quarrel. Nothing new. Reese is doing good. Oreo is sweet as ever and Tom-Tom is grumpy old cat but they are all doing fine.

One thing is that I just can't wait to get things straighten out with college thing.

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