Cable is not working. So there's no tv. Phone is cut off. Only can use is mobile phone. What's left? Internet should be off; however, it did not. Hahahaha. Interent is working. But my parent will have to call about that cuz doesn't want to pay for the internet.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Anyway part 2
Do It Anyway
By Mother Theresa
People are often unreasonable,
illogical and self-centered;
Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind,
People may accuse you
of selfish, ulterior motives;
Be Kind anyway.
If you are successful,
you will win some false friends and
some true enemies;
Succeed anyway.
People may cheat you;
Be honest and frank anyway.
What you spend years building,
someone could destroy overnight;
Build anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness,
they may be jealous;
Be happy anyway.
The good you do today,
people will often forget tomorrow;
Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have,
and it may never be enough;
Give the world the best you've got anyway.
You see, in the final analysis.
it is between you and God;
It is never between you and them anyway.
Love that poem! It is alternative from the song that I recently posted. I like both of them. They're great!
Tonight is the last night for me to type.... until I go to AZ for November.
Speaking of "anyway"... it is the title of the song, "anyway". I know. I was introduce by my best friend. The singer is Martina McBride and she sang that song called, "anyway". It's perfect fit for me. I'm pretty sure it applies to a lot of people, too.
Here's the lyric words. You'll like I'm sure.
You can spend your whole life buildin'
Something from nothin
One storm could come and blow it all away
Build it anyway
You could chase a dream
That seems so out of reach
And you know it might not ever come your way
Dream it anyway
God is great but sometimes life aint good
And when I pray
It doesn't always turn out like i think it should
But I do it anyway
I do it anyway
This worlds gone crazy
And it's hard to believe
That tomorrow will be better than today
Believe it anyway
You can love someone with all you heart
For all the right reasons
And in a momont they can choose to walk away
Love 'em anyway
God is great but sometimes life aint good
And when I pray
It doesn't always turn out like i think it should
But I do it anyway
Yeah I do it anyway
You can pour your soul out singin'
A song you believe in
That tomorrow they'll forget you ever sang
Sing it anyway
Yeah sing it anyway
I sing
I dream
I love anyway
For hearing want to hear and see who she is. Martina McBride-Anyway
I like the words on it, too. Such as, I wanna be famous. A little boy, I wanna be just like my dad. One little girl, "I wanna find a cure." A old man, "I want to be feel needed" Other man, "I want to forget" ... And many more. Click on it and check it out.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Wow! It's been long time since I actually celebrate Halloween. Mainly because that was in the past of Christan's way of saying don't celebrate Halloween cuz ya supporting EVILS. First time, I decided, I'm tired of that B and S. I felt freedom and sense of what I want to do. After all, I decided to do what I want for Halloween and enjoy it. I will double check to make sure that Halloween party is still continue and not cancel. I hope...
In meantime, my parents and I are going to AZ. We got ourselves apartment and rental SUV. Speaking of SUV, there's DVD and GPS. (Did I mention that before? I can't remember cuz I did mention several times to my friends.)
Oh, I also found out that the internet will but cut off Monday morning. Something that I'm not looking forward to. But there's a bright side, there will be internet at the apartment in AZ for one more month.
My parents and I are doing okay. Of course, there's a small fight with my mom but that's typical mother and daughter's quarrel. Nothing new. Reese is doing good. Oreo is sweet as ever and Tom-Tom is grumpy old cat but they are all doing fine.
One thing is that I just can't wait to get things straighten out with college thing.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Well, the last day of using internet and cable is this Monday. Oh well, there's nothing I can do about it. Beside, my parents need to save money so they can afford to repair the A/C before the summer start next year.
Look at the bright side, I'm able to keep my t-mobile to keep up the communication and what's going on. Plus, I will visit library from time to time. There's another bright side, since I'm going to AZ, it has internet. So I can use it, too for one more month. We will be leaving November 1st.
Here's another news, we got the SUV. It has GPS (direction giving in the vichle) and DVD player. So that way, if ever get bored, we (except driver) will be able to watch some movies. I'm so glad about that part. It's nice to have technology nowadays.
By the way, notice that I tend to copy and paste it?? Reason why I did that is because I hate it every time when I want to go back to the certain website and it's no longer there, anyway. It's really annoying. That's why I did copy and paste it everytime. Especailly if I'm interesting in something and want to keep it.
Oreo, the black and white kitty, the vet said that he's 6 months old. We will wait until after the AZ to come home and have him nuetured/spray remove. The vet said that he looks fine. That he doesn't seem sick. One of the assistance said that "I wish I found him, he's so sweet!" When the vet gave him the shots. He meowed as he in pain and roll over as his way of saying pity me. He didn't bite nor stratch. He's really a sweet kitty.
Look at the bright side, I'm able to keep my t-mobile to keep up the communication and what's going on. Plus, I will visit library from time to time. There's another bright side, since I'm going to AZ, it has internet. So I can use it, too for one more month. We will be leaving November 1st.
Here's another news, we got the SUV. It has GPS (direction giving in the vichle) and DVD player. So that way, if ever get bored, we (except driver) will be able to watch some movies. I'm so glad about that part. It's nice to have technology nowadays.
By the way, notice that I tend to copy and paste it?? Reason why I did that is because I hate it every time when I want to go back to the certain website and it's no longer there, anyway. It's really annoying. That's why I did copy and paste it everytime. Especailly if I'm interesting in something and want to keep it.
Oreo, the black and white kitty, the vet said that he's 6 months old. We will wait until after the AZ to come home and have him nuetured/spray remove. The vet said that he looks fine. That he doesn't seem sick. One of the assistance said that "I wish I found him, he's so sweet!" When the vet gave him the shots. He meowed as he in pain and roll over as his way of saying pity me. He didn't bite nor stratch. He's really a sweet kitty.
How to calm A Nervous Employer
Respectivly from the website... Just click on the title.
How To Calm A Nervous Employer
March 1, 2006
One of the trickiest parts of the deaf employment puzzle is dealing with the concerns and apprehensions of hearing employers. Because deafness is so rare in the general population, meeting, interviewing and hiring a deaf employee is a new experience for most hearing managers. They're often nervous and unsure - they've read or heard scary stories about interpreting and accommodation costs, lawsuits, communication problems. Even after being convinced you qualify for a position, there may be some hesitation.
Every job applicant expects questions about their experience, ability and knowledge. Deaf and hard of hearing applicants may get additional questions related to communication. There are managers who genuinely want to hire deaf and hard of hearing employees, but they need help to understand how to make it work out for everyone involved.
The better prepared you are to answer their questions, the better your chances of getting the job.
So how do you prepare? First you need to decide what you want to say, and then think about how you want to say it.
Fortunately, many others have been down this path before, and you can learn from them. Once again, the Internet is your friend.
For example, copywriter Pat Pawling has a page on his website that explains what VRS is, how it works, and how it benefits both employers and deaf and hard of hearing workers. It's colorful, well designed, and easy to read and understand. Points are made clear with photos and illustrations. It's exactly what a prospective employer needs - clarity and reassurance that there are effective communication tools for the workplace. You'll need the free Adobe Reader program to view and print it.
Hearing people everywhere are often fascinated by ASL and they're eager to learn when the opportunity arises. You can make that interest and enthusiasm work for you. Point your new boss and co-workers to the free, online ASL University to help them get a sense of what ASL is all about. The site won't teach them how to sign, but it can help keep their interest alive while you teach them a little bit each day. Typically, some of your co-workers will lose interest after a while, and some will really get into it and learn a lot. The key thing is to keep encouraging them.
It's always helpful to have a signing, hearing contact in a hearing workplace, especially if they can keep you informed about office politics.
One of the best overall guides I've seen for employers is on a deaf services agency website in Manitoba, Canada. Called Including Deaf People in the Workplace, It includes a section on speechreading, which is great for when you get that inevitable question - "Can you lipread?". It's always an awkward question to answer, because you know it usually means the person asking would really prefer to continue talking rather than adjust to a new method of communicating. This section does a good job of explaining the limitations of lipreading/speechreading, and how to use it effectively with hard of hearing workers who can make the most of it.
Another excellent guide, titled The Supervisor's Guide to Effective Communication with a Deaf Employee is from the Deaf Community Advocacy Network - DeafCan - in Michigan. An excerpt:
BEING LEFT OUTThere is nothing more frustrating to Deaf employees than to see a conversation, laughing, an announcement and when they ask what it is all about, they are told, "It wasn't important." Let that valuable decision be placed in the hands of the Deaf employee. Deaf employees need access to what is happening in the world just like hearing employees do. And, while the supervisor may think nothing of hearing employees "chatting" as they work, or listening to the radio, Deaf employees are often reprimanded for "chatting" with fellow Deaf employees.
SOLUTION: Take time to "fill in" the Deaf employee. A lot of office "talk" is important.
Another approach - Thomas David Yim, a deaf job seeker in California, created his own Frequently Asked Questions page for potential employers. One example:
How can you get my attention when you see me?
Yelling is not necessary; instead, you can tap my shoulder, ask someone to tap my shoulder, pound on a floor or knock on a table to make vibrations for me to feel, or flicker a light.
Finally, it may be helpful to quote Canadian Supreme Court Justice Rosalie Abella, who said:
Sometimes equality means treating people the same despite their differences, and sometimes it means treating them as equals by accommodating their differences.
© Copyrighted material, used by permission. This article can not be copied, reproduced, or redistributed without the express written consent of the author. All views expressed in this article are those of the author, and do not necessarily reflect those of
How To Calm A Nervous Employer
March 1, 2006
One of the trickiest parts of the deaf employment puzzle is dealing with the concerns and apprehensions of hearing employers. Because deafness is so rare in the general population, meeting, interviewing and hiring a deaf employee is a new experience for most hearing managers. They're often nervous and unsure - they've read or heard scary stories about interpreting and accommodation costs, lawsuits, communication problems. Even after being convinced you qualify for a position, there may be some hesitation.
Every job applicant expects questions about their experience, ability and knowledge. Deaf and hard of hearing applicants may get additional questions related to communication. There are managers who genuinely want to hire deaf and hard of hearing employees, but they need help to understand how to make it work out for everyone involved.
The better prepared you are to answer their questions, the better your chances of getting the job.
So how do you prepare? First you need to decide what you want to say, and then think about how you want to say it.
Fortunately, many others have been down this path before, and you can learn from them. Once again, the Internet is your friend.
For example, copywriter Pat Pawling has a page on his website that explains what VRS is, how it works, and how it benefits both employers and deaf and hard of hearing workers. It's colorful, well designed, and easy to read and understand. Points are made clear with photos and illustrations. It's exactly what a prospective employer needs - clarity and reassurance that there are effective communication tools for the workplace. You'll need the free Adobe Reader program to view and print it.
Hearing people everywhere are often fascinated by ASL and they're eager to learn when the opportunity arises. You can make that interest and enthusiasm work for you. Point your new boss and co-workers to the free, online ASL University to help them get a sense of what ASL is all about. The site won't teach them how to sign, but it can help keep their interest alive while you teach them a little bit each day. Typically, some of your co-workers will lose interest after a while, and some will really get into it and learn a lot. The key thing is to keep encouraging them.
It's always helpful to have a signing, hearing contact in a hearing workplace, especially if they can keep you informed about office politics.
One of the best overall guides I've seen for employers is on a deaf services agency website in Manitoba, Canada. Called Including Deaf People in the Workplace, It includes a section on speechreading, which is great for when you get that inevitable question - "Can you lipread?". It's always an awkward question to answer, because you know it usually means the person asking would really prefer to continue talking rather than adjust to a new method of communicating. This section does a good job of explaining the limitations of lipreading/speechreading, and how to use it effectively with hard of hearing workers who can make the most of it.
Another excellent guide, titled The Supervisor's Guide to Effective Communication with a Deaf Employee is from the Deaf Community Advocacy Network - DeafCan - in Michigan. An excerpt:
BEING LEFT OUTThere is nothing more frustrating to Deaf employees than to see a conversation, laughing, an announcement and when they ask what it is all about, they are told, "It wasn't important." Let that valuable decision be placed in the hands of the Deaf employee. Deaf employees need access to what is happening in the world just like hearing employees do. And, while the supervisor may think nothing of hearing employees "chatting" as they work, or listening to the radio, Deaf employees are often reprimanded for "chatting" with fellow Deaf employees.
SOLUTION: Take time to "fill in" the Deaf employee. A lot of office "talk" is important.
Another approach - Thomas David Yim, a deaf job seeker in California, created his own Frequently Asked Questions page for potential employers. One example:
How can you get my attention when you see me?
Yelling is not necessary; instead, you can tap my shoulder, ask someone to tap my shoulder, pound on a floor or knock on a table to make vibrations for me to feel, or flicker a light.
Finally, it may be helpful to quote Canadian Supreme Court Justice Rosalie Abella, who said:
Sometimes equality means treating people the same despite their differences, and sometimes it means treating them as equals by accommodating their differences.
© Copyrighted material, used by permission. This article can not be copied, reproduced, or redistributed without the express written consent of the author. All views expressed in this article are those of the author, and do not necessarily reflect those of
Friday, October 12, 2007
Canine Taboos
Shit! was first thing in my mind when I read it. Espeically when I do give Reese, my dog, grapes once in a while. GEEZ! I only knew that chocolate can kill dogs but grapes can give kidney failure to dogs.
Did you know how dangerous the following common foods are to your Dog?
1. Alcohol It depresses brain function and can cause a coma. So no pina coladas for Fido - Not for fun and not by accident with party leftovers.
2. Coffee The caffeine in a cup of java is a methylxanthine compound that can increase a dog's heart rate and trigger seizures.
3. Chocolate The chemical theobromine can be fatal. Just three ounces of dark or seven of milk can bring on vomiting in a 50 pound dog.
4. Macadamia nuts Experts have yet to determine why just a few of these nuts can produce tremors, even temporary paralysis, in a dog's hind legs.
5. Garlic Garlic breaks down a dog's red blood cells, leading to anemia and possible kidney failure from leaking hemoglobin.
6. Onions Their damage to canine hemoglobin is cumulative, so small tastes over time can be worse then wolfing down the whole bulb.
7. Grapes Toxicologists have found that grapes and raisins can cause renal failure.
They're still trying to learn why. Source: National Geographic Magazine - October 2007 page 30.
Did you know how dangerous the following common foods are to your Dog?
1. Alcohol It depresses brain function and can cause a coma. So no pina coladas for Fido - Not for fun and not by accident with party leftovers.
2. Coffee The caffeine in a cup of java is a methylxanthine compound that can increase a dog's heart rate and trigger seizures.
3. Chocolate The chemical theobromine can be fatal. Just three ounces of dark or seven of milk can bring on vomiting in a 50 pound dog.
4. Macadamia nuts Experts have yet to determine why just a few of these nuts can produce tremors, even temporary paralysis, in a dog's hind legs.
5. Garlic Garlic breaks down a dog's red blood cells, leading to anemia and possible kidney failure from leaking hemoglobin.
6. Onions Their damage to canine hemoglobin is cumulative, so small tastes over time can be worse then wolfing down the whole bulb.
7. Grapes Toxicologists have found that grapes and raisins can cause renal failure.
They're still trying to learn why. Source: National Geographic Magazine - October 2007 page 30.
Monday, October 08, 2007
Oh my goodness! Time sure flies so fast! I've been busy here and there lately. I didn't have the time to check my emails nor reading blogs lately. Plus, One side of the house have no A/C, Yeah, we have two seperate A/C. Thank goodness, it is not our bedroom side. Whew! Or we will be hot as we are in hell. How in the world are you able to sleep in the heat?
Well, like I said, it's NOT in our bedrooms. A/C is working just fine. Strange about the internet isn't working right in my bedroom. However, other side of the house, the internet works just fine. Werid. Just plain werid. Something tells me it's seperate thing.
Sadly, there isn't cool days in the autumn, lately. Although I did hoping and praying for it. The heat seems to take it over. I guess Mother's Nature is in the heat nowadays.
Tonight, it is finally cool-off, just alittle bit cuz of rain. So I can spend some time on the internet alittle longer.
Here's another bad news, possible we are not able to go to Azorina. Well, Mom and I can't go but dad have to. Because everything is booked. Nothing's available, now. People likes to have vactation there more and more during the Falls and winters especially from the Canada. So, everything is booked up. Also, we couldn't rent a mini-van, either. Unless ya want the mini-van that consume alot of gas which isn't worth it.
Since I didn't sleep good last night. Time for me to go to bed.
Well, like I said, it's NOT in our bedrooms. A/C is working just fine. Strange about the internet isn't working right in my bedroom. However, other side of the house, the internet works just fine. Werid. Just plain werid. Something tells me it's seperate thing.
Sadly, there isn't cool days in the autumn, lately. Although I did hoping and praying for it. The heat seems to take it over. I guess Mother's Nature is in the heat nowadays.
Tonight, it is finally cool-off, just alittle bit cuz of rain. So I can spend some time on the internet alittle longer.
Here's another bad news, possible we are not able to go to Azorina. Well, Mom and I can't go but dad have to. Because everything is booked. Nothing's available, now. People likes to have vactation there more and more during the Falls and winters especially from the Canada. So, everything is booked up. Also, we couldn't rent a mini-van, either. Unless ya want the mini-van that consume alot of gas which isn't worth it.
Here's the last bad news, Sorry for more sad news, my parents will not be paying internet end of this week. But not only internet but cable, too. So that means, no more Sci-Fi, no more Animal Planet, no more Explorer channel, and no more Amimne(Jap's cartoon. Adult cartoon after midnight) for me to watch. WWWAAAHHHHH!!
I will be visiting library once in a while to check emails from time to time. I may not be able to use the blog as often.
Meantime, Mom and I are stuck staying here. So, that means, it's time for me to go back to work. I need the money. I'm nearly out of cash.Since I didn't sleep good last night. Time for me to go to bed.
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