Sunday, June 10, 2007


At work, I found out that there's a new schudule for next 2 weeks. I checked. I found out that I'm working Wed and Sat. I can't work that 2 days. I have already written down I'm available only Sunday and Thursday. I decided to speak up. I spoke to the teamleader. He said that I must write that down two weeks advandance and I told him that I did. He was like.. Huh? So we went to look over the schudule. I told him there's written unavialdable those days but not on Wed and Saturday... but I'm unadvialable those days, too. Seem like they mess up with that. Because I only said I'm available ONLY Sunday and Thursday. That's all. I didn't say this is not my fault they put me in on Wed and Saturday. I made that clear I can't be there. (period) So, He did contact two different people who will take my place. Finally, he got it for me. I was relief. Pat my back for stand up this time. Pppffftttt. He also contact to the lady who put the schudule on computer to fix that so that way it will be until July 13th. The schudule will change, again. If somebody mess that up. I will stand up to it, too. I will not put it up with that anymore. I will make sure that I'm clear about my schudule of what I'm available and what's not.


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