Thursday, May 31, 2007


Well, one of my co-worker asked me what do I do yesterday. I went out and shopping. Then she asked me what's up with the play that my team leader told her. I explained. She said she will go and watch me. I told her it is a minor character, not major. She said doesn't matter I'm going.

Afterward, I asked her what does the team leader thinks? She said that the teamleader (TL for short) thought that I'm going out to "play" like going to play games or play ballgame or something. I laughed. She said that it is TL first time ever been talking thru relay and TL was kinda awkard. I was like "oooohhhh". It is the same TL that I spoke to yesterday on the phone showed up. My co-worker explained to my TL. Then TL said, "Miracle Worker sound familar?" I interprut and said, "Know as Helen Keller, the bind-deaf girl" Then TL said, "Congrlation!" I said "thanks" Then TL also apolizided(sp) for saying negitive yesterday. I felt relieved to know that there's just a misunderstanding.

Speaking of lack of communication, I found out that my boss had transfer into different dept. There's a new boss. I was like, no wonder my new boss didn't know that I am still interesting in morning shift as well that I prefer less than 30 hours work and didn't want more than 30 hours.

Sigh, I hate being behind on news. I wonder is it too late for morning position, now?? I need to talk to my boss to see what happen. But my guts are telling me that it is. Because, I have already see two more new people for morning position. *Sigh*

Also, I haven't heard another job position that I applied for, yet. I hope to contact them by next week if I haven't hear anything.

However, I can't help but wondering what if my reherseal is more of night shift so that means they have no choice but to put me in morning shift????

MMmmmm, I wonder.....

By the way, I made these artwork.

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