Wow, we sure did had a baaaddddd one this week. Last Monday night, I was just going to bed. I saw so many light flashes outside had just started. Wow, so many at once... I went off to getting ready, suddenly the power went off in the middle of changing my clothes. Imagine that. I'm half naked and trying to find flash light but instead, I remember were I put my lighter that I do like to light the candle once in a while during reading my book. It feels home-y and cozy. I like it. Anyway, I light up several candles so I can see where and what am I doing. Hahaha.
Sadly, my cell phone went down to 2 bars of battery jucie left. I can't re-charge it. I turn it off to save some. Sometimes, the eletric managed to come back soon. However, not this time, the light outside constanstly flashing thru the window. I find it so annoying. I couldn't go to sleep. That was really bad one. I can hear thunder without my hearing aids. Yeah, I'm deaf but I sure can hear thunder. No matter how much I try to go to sleep but the flashes outside kept me awake. Instead, I light up the candle again. I start to read a book. It is nothing fancy. I read relate about fincially (sp). I want to understand more about money.
I was surprised by the fact the thunderstorm take a little longer than expected and the electric power haven't came back. I knew I have no choice but let my Reese out. I usally put her in the dad's office. Where she doesn't wake me up late at night that she tend to sneak to get on my bed. Because I knew she would be too hot for her closed up in the office.
Here's the funny part, Reese follows me to the kicthen as I was fixing myself a cold sugar-free chocolate milk from the skim milk. I was cravy for something chocolate and yet I want something cold and liquad so that's how I make myself for that. Reese was right behind me as I was busy making it. It was just in time there's a loud "BOOM!" as I mention before without my hearing aids. Reese and I jumped at the same time. I just laughed. The fact that she and I were startled. Afterward, I talked to her something like this, "Well, Reese thunderstorm didn't scare us but they sure know to sneak up to startle us, huh, girl?" The whole time, she tilted her head and listen.
I went back to bed. I drank cold chocolate milk while read another chapter. Finally, my tiredness and sleepiness are starting to catch up with me. I managed to fall asleep without having light flashes waking me up through the window.
Oh, we will have bad thunderstorm this week. However, it should clear up this weekend. Of course, how typical that I will be at work. Wink.
Ooooohhhh, here's the ironic, I asked for less than 30 hours so that way I can have at least 3 to 4 days off. GGGggggrrrrrrr, not going to happen. WHY? Well, instead of working 2pm to midnight, I will be start working at 5pm to midnight. I was like... WHAT!!! That means I'm working everyday but not on Thursday and Friday. Oh great... Just great! Yeah, obvious I'm complaining here. Whatever, I do not have the bracelet, yet. So, I'm complaining until I get it. hahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahhaahahahahaha
Geez, Who cares.
Okay, enough complain...(at least it's a short one.)
Oh, I signed up Deaf newsletter, I'm pretty sure I've already mention before. I recieve that there's a play for "The Miracle Worker" which know as "Helen Keller". So, I thought to myself, why don't I try out for the auduction(sp). Guess What? I showed up. I found out there are ....."ahem" ALL hearies.... I was thinking why on earth did the Deaf Newsletter send and mention about that and I thought there will be ..... you know... Deaf people there....
Well, funny thing is that, I went ahead did my part and see what happen this Saturday. I admit that I'm curious if I made it or not. There's also part of me doubt it because I saw some women are very "highly completive". I can see that they do have alot of experiences. I did asked to make sure before I arrive is that it is "amtuetur(sp)" means no paying act. In another word, you will be willing to do that for free. Plus, I saw many children there... again all are hearies, too. Some are quite good. I thought that was very interesting to watch everybody to do their parts. It was a good experience. It was something different. Oh, all knows...... ABC ... they do not know sign language. Hahahaha. I was that's funny. I'm the "only" Deaf there who actually knows sign language.
The director who will decided to pick to involve the play. As I mention before, I will find out Saturday morning. That's 2 days to go. She's really nice and sweet. I like her. But I know that she will make the right decision and I don't think she will pick favorism but then again I could be wrong. Who knows. We are humans.
Oh, I almost forgotten, since I'm working this weekend and next week. My dad and I are planning on to have a early birthday and Mother's Day gift this Friday.
Hee hee, I know my dad tend to wait to last minutes even means wait until Friday and get what we need then come home and celebrate. However, not this time, I was very lucky that I'm free this week so I contact my dad to meet me at Wal-Mart. So, he did. I told my mom that I would like to go by myself for a little while. So, I went to meet him. We came in and start shop for her. My dad bought a little longer gold chain since mom's broke one and it is too short. I gave my mom emerald, her birthstone, heart necklace few years ago.
My mom also told me that she would like to have that certain earring but I saw necklace to match with so I decided to buy both as one for birthday and another one for mother's day. I know my mom would be sooo surprised! Hahahahahaha.
My plan this friday would be one to take out for earring with the cards of Mother's day card. Then dad will do his part. Afterward, I would go and grab the shoe box. I have 2 very comfortable thin pants for indoor only and hide on birthday gift of necklace with the birthday card. I can't wait to give those to her this Friday.