Thursday, April 12, 2007

No Title this time...

Aaahh yes, I took my medication for my big toe. It helps very, very little. Werid. What else is new? There is 3 more days left for me to finished medication. I guess I just have to wait and see how's that going. I finally had a chance to catch up here and there while I am at home. Like I said before, doing the cleaning is a full-time job in the house. I realize you really can't work while cleaning unless you have off-days to do the cleaning which you rather enjoy your off-day and not do the cleaning because of working. Haha. Beside, I can clean and taking a longer break. That's nicest thing about it. Plus I can stop cleaning if my big toe is making worst on me. I don't have to put it up while I was at work. This Saturday, it's time for me to go back to work weather or not did the medication helps me. *sigh*

Ya know? I rather work elsewhere.
Well, overall, there's no news and that means it is a good news.
Good Night.

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