Sunday, November 12, 2006


Speaking from my own opinion, if ya don't like it then don't read it...

The pastor is going down the drain..." 'Superstar' pastors pose challenge' " I read another news. That pastor said that he bought drugs but doesn't use it! HA!

Runaway Project: It's the tv shows where there are several people competition for better creative fashion clothes. There's one guy who have several "how to do" fashion books. He got caught and being kicked out because of the rule on the lists. He said that he has those books but doesn't read them.

Here's another one: "I smoke pot but don't inhale it."

OH PUH-lease!

What kind of exauses are that. That ridculcauas(sp?)!!


About gay/lesbian, he doesn't "walk the talk". He didn't do of what he preach. He's a hypocrite. I won't be surprised that more Xtians hypocrite out there. It's sad but true.

More and more group of many different religions fell down, I wonder how many more are going to realize that those are really worthless.


Life is too short, anyway.

Meanwhile, My family and I are doing okay. As usual, so is our pets.

Sorry that there isn't much new news so far. I'm so looking forward for Thanksgiving and Christmas. I can't wait. Also, I hope to get around to buy presents, soon. Problem is that I can't think of something for my dad. He kept saying he doesn't need anything. *geez* Dad, ya not being helpful here. I have trouble finding something for him. I usually buy jeans for christmas for him. What else? I dunno. I still don't know what to buy. Any men have suggestions? I'm open for suggestion! Oh, he doesn't play golf, hunts, or reads. He likes history channel.

Wait a Minute!! Mmmm, that something pop in my mind... History... I did check on Best Buy before but they don't sale anything that's relate History Channel. It means if ya want something then it has to be online. However, I don't normally buys online. Well, to be exact, I haven't been buy ANYTHING online. I did try to bid couple times thru EBay but I never won one. I admit that I don't feel comfortable buying anything online. Maybe I will give a try but wait until I earn few more money. I don't like to wait last minute. I hope to remember next time when I have enough.

gotta go!

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