Friday, November 17, 2006

Cold/ Flu part 2

Well, no, I do not have a cold/flu. I know for sure I have already mention this before...

However, I keep seeing people who are sick and still shopping around. Geez, why can't they go home and STAY home? What are they trying to do?? To make OTHER people sick?? I can hear coughing and sneezing. While I work at the infants clothes, there are people there shopping for baby things while they sick. Oh don't forget, there's a co-worker who showing up sick. Mention that been sick all week last week and STILL sick... Can't ya stay at home??

I can't believe that people manage to get up and do things while they are sick.

If I'm sick, no doubt about that, I'm staying at home! until I get better and it only took me at least a week and I'm feeling a lot better. I took medience and go to bed often and drink a lot of fluids and soups..... Ya know the usual... I got better faster that way. People who doesn't get better quickly for those who didn't stay in bed.


I just hope that I don't get sick again. I really don't want that to happen. I've try to stay away from them and wash my hands often (just like before and yet I got sick).

Well, wait and see...

My family and I are doing okay. Reese is doing fine. However, we are very concern for our cat, Tom-Tom (short for T-T), he has not been eating and drinking for 3 days. He had been coughing every time when he tries to eat or drink. My mom thinks maybe hairball and he needs to take medience to able to cough the hairball out. So, we just need to keep an eye on him for a while to see how he is doing.

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