Tuesday, August 01, 2006

About Men!

Well, GEEZZZ, I can't believe this! I got the "mail" from the email thru internet to find love for single people to meet each other. Well, guess what? I got an email from a deaf guy said, "I hope that you would lose some weight but it doesn't matter I don't care about the weight." Isn't that conflicts?? I like you but I don't like you. What a crap!?!

Learn what they said and watch out for that. I remember my ex said that I do miss YOU but I don't miss that other side of small part of YOU. Well, the small part is still part of me so you are going to have to accept that, if not, then I'm wasting my @#$@ time being with my ex. Doesn't matter what part of me that you don't like, you are going to have to accept that because it is who I am the whole part is who I am and if you can't accept the part of me whatever it is then I'm leaving.

Oh yeah, I did apply 2 different for single websites. One is for hearing and other is for deaf website, since I haven't find my match for the deaf (even though I prefer have a deaf partner.) I thought I would give a try to date hearing (I never date one so I have absoulute no idea about how to date a hearing guy but I am going through learning of trials and errors. I made sure that I inform that I am deaf but I have the ability to read lips and speak. When the hearing guy first thing email me said "I'll take care of you!" GEEZ do I look like a dog that needed to be taken care of? HECK! I can take care of myself! I don't need anybody to take care of me. Men are so.... weirdo! Well, not all men, I know that. I find that so ridiculous.

Here's another hearing guy, "If you really want me then you must lose weight." HA! In your dream, I will never want you weather or not I lost weight. I remember one guy who interesting in my friend who is very healthy and thin girl but not me. I was sitting in the group and someone did asked him suppose if she gain weight what would you do? He said I will leave her. Uh-oh was come in my mind. I would not recommend date that guy weather or not you are healthy.

I don't know if I mention this before or not but excuse me if I repeated, there are about 70 to 75 percent Narcissistic Personality Disorder of men. Those of what I just wrote are perfect example of possiblity have Narcissistic Personality Disorder. (Well, we know for sure that my ex does have that). It's really really sad. NPD tends to twist things around. *sigh* That's explain why it is so diffcult to find a good man who raised by a good parents.

One of my family member (actually more than one), has kids and I knew that one day one or more will have the same NPD when they grow up because of NPD parent. *sigh* The whole world is fucked up. Send love and hope for the best.

Quote of the day: "The cure for all ills and wrongs, the cares, the sorrows and the crimes of humanity, all lie in the one word 'love.' It is the divine vitality that everywhere produces and restores life."~ Lydia Maria Child

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't believe this guy has the nerve to say this to you! What a jerk.