Yeah, I sure did agree. I mean, I do totally agree every words. That's how exactly I feel sooo many times.
I'm copy n' paste:
Life Sucks
We're all trapped.
Each of us is stuck being who we are. Sometimes we fight to change ourselves, but
ultimately this has little effect. We can change what we do, but we cannot change who we
If you're a happy person, you don't feel trapped. If you're surrounded by people who you
love and who love you, if you can do what you want to do in life, if you are at peace with
who you are, why would you ever feel trapped? You wouldn't want to change yourself, you
wouldn't need to try.
If you're a happy person, hey, you got lucky! Go back to the previous page, you'll find
nothing of interest here.
I am not a happy person. Maybe you're not either. Maybe you're too fat, or too thin, too old,
or too young. Maybe you're ugly and nobody wants to sleep with you. Maybe everyone
wants to sleep with you, but nobody loves you and it's all meaningless. Maybe your body is
fucked up and you're in pain all the time. Maybe your mind is fucked up and you're in pain
all the time.
So you struggle with all these problems year after year, and you're getting nowhere, and
you wonder if anything will ever change. And the unavoidable reality of it all is that, for you,
life sucks.
But of course you're not going to give up so easily, you're going to keep struggling to
solve your problems, to change yourself, to find happiness, wherever it is, whatever it is.
But still, life sucks.
And you see all these people out there who are blissfully free of your problems, and if they
can do it, there must be some way for you to as well. But they aren't doing you any good at
all, they don't understand what it's like being you, and what good would it do you if they did
So, the forces which created you, random or otherwise, have spoken. And they've
determined that, for you, life sucks.
The Big Lie
All of your life, you've been lied to.
You've been told what life is supposed to be about. Grow up, do well in school, make
friends, get a girlfriend or boyfriend, get a good job, get married, get a nice house and
have kids. Watch tv, go to church, vote, find some hobbies to entertain you. Donate
money to charity. Go on vacation. Get old, retire, spend time with the grandkids. Look
back on your life with nostalgia, look forward to the afterlife of your choosing.
This is what you're supposed to do, this is what normal people do. This is what everyone
else is doing. Oh sure, there are a few aberrations here and there, sometimes some
people slip off this track, but you can get back on at any time.
Of course, when you actually look at the world around you, you may see something
entirely different.
See that young married couple living next door, with the wife gardening in the front yard
while the kids play out back? She's snowed under with Xanax all the time, without which
she'd be in a continuous state of anxiety. And her 6 year old son, he's following in mom's
footsteps already, taking his daily dose of Ritalin to keep him tranquil enough to sit still all
day at school.
She stopped sleeping with her husband several years ago, but that's ok, cause he
sneaks off a couple times a week and has sex with street prostitutes in the back seat of
his car, or a nearby motel. He feels a bit bad for them, and tips them extra.
His favorite prostitute is always glad to see him, because he's pleasant enough and an
easy $75. Too bad they can't all be like him. She gets beaten up and raped by johns
multiple times a year, but that's ok, she can handle it, cause even at its worst this job is
still better than what she went through as a child. Besides, there's no other way she could
support her crack cocaine habit.
And the cop who tries to arrest her, last night he arrested the neighborhood marijuana
dealer, then went home and got nice and legally drunk on jack daniels.
And the cop's daughter, the pretty high school cheerleader, sneaks off and vomits after
every meal so she won't get fat.
But these are all small scale problems. Don't forget that, several times a century, often
enough to happen at least once during the average human lifetime, all the most powerful
nations of the world divide up into sides and begin slaughtering anyone they can find on
the opposing side by the millions. This is agreed by all to be unfortunate but necessary.
And the city you live in, if you're in a western country and living in a city, has already been
targetted by some country's nuclear weaponry. A few pushes of the right buttons, and
you'll be vaporized, or survive and live in some radioactive wasteland. But that's ok,
because it probably won't happen in the immediate future, so you might as well go out
and buy the week's groceries.
Beneath the thin veneer of civilization lies a howling madness, and the average normal
human being has the ability to commit genocide during the day, then come home and
tuck the kids in at night, or to ignore the pain of a billion people in misery while mowing
the lawn or doing christmas shopping.
The Big Lie is that all of the problems of human life are separate. If you
compartmentalize them all, you can convince yourself that once you lose that 40 pounds,
or get more money, or get your husband to stop beating you, or finally kick that addiction,
you'll be a normal happy person like everyone else. And once you get the right politician
elected, or win the war, or convert the infidels to your religion, the world will be a happy
The problems of life are all symptoms of the same cause. The locks on your doors
which you need to keep out burglars, the schoolyard bully, the serial killer, the drug
addict, the drug dealer, the billionaire who thinks he's being exploited by the poor, the
millions of soldiers fighting for peace, the enslavement or slaughter of entire races of
people, and your own unhappiness, all are interconnected. They are all part of one
I wish I could define the problem for you, or offer a solution. Human beings seem to
have a basic design flaw. We're a fucked up species, striving to be healthy and happy
while simultaneously destroying ourselves and each other in a million different ways.
The only positive note I can end this on is that it's better to understand all this than to be
ignorant of it, I think.
God Does Not Loves You
Let's assume, for a moment, that there is a God. We may not know the nature of God, or
which religion comes closest to the truth, but we can be sure of one thing:
God does not love you
Look at all the cruelty and misery in the world, which God does nothing to stop. Right now,
as you are reading this, there are children in various places around the world being raped
and tortured. Most of us would risk our lives, give up our lives, to save them if we could.
God stands by and does nothing. God has abandoned these children, and clearly does not
love them. God does not love you, either.
There are some religions which claim that "God's love is a different kind of love", which is
supposed to explain and justify what appears to be God's divine indifference. This is total
bullshit. If I claim that I love my neighbor, and then set his house on fire and shoot him in
the head, anyone can see that my "love" is not love at all.
Another fallacy along these lines is the statement that, "God doesn't give us more than we
can handle in life". This is a ridiculous statement. Go to a mental institution, go to the ward
for those who are seriously disturbed, and you'll see people who just sit and rock back and
forth all day, staring off into space, or screaming at nonexistant terrors. God has given
them more than they could handle, and now they're totally broken.
So you have no loving God watching over you, making sure you get what you need. You
don't get what you need in life, you don't get what you want, you don't get what you
deserve. You get what you get.
Therapy Sucks
The problem with therapy is that it doesn't actually work.
This is because psychology and psychiatry barely qualify as sciences at all. They are
sciences in their infancy, much like where medical science was 200 years ago. Consider
medicine in 1800 or so, before the discovery of DNA, viruses, and bacteria. Surgery was
being done, diseases were being treated, there were plenty of theories as to the cause of
disease and the ways to stay healthy. Most of these theories were wrong, and most of the
treatments for diseases did nothing of value, or were even harmful. Some worked quite
This is comparable to where psychology and psychiatry are today. Their practitioners
have no true understanding of the human psyche and human personality. What they have
is a large amount of data, based on lots of research. They've looked at this data, and
figured out that psychological symptoms tend to cluster together in common patterns,
which they refer to as disorders. Manic depressive personality disorder, attention deficit
disorder, post traumatic stress disorder, etc.
They've also found that certain drugs will mask to some extent the symptoms for some of
these "disorders". So, tranquilizers for anxiety disorders, antidepressants for depressive
disorders, and so on. They have no real understanding of why these drugs work, and the
only theory they've been able to come up with is that these drugs are correcting a
chemical imbalance in the brain. This is clearly ridiculous, the idea that somehow, after
millions of years of evolution designed to perfect us, 50% of human beings have
chemical imbalances in their brains.
None of this gives them any sort of true understanding of the human psyche, and as a
result they can't actually cure anyone who has psychological problems. Don't take my
word for this, look at the evidence out in the world. If people could be cured, why not cure
criminals? Instead of putting them in prison, send them off to be cured and make them
happy functioning members of society. Of course this isn't being done, because
therapists don't have the ability to do so.
Take pedophiles, for example. Their primary problem, besides the willingness to abuse
children, is the fact that their sexual orientation is towards children. Children turn them on
sexually. If we could cure them, if we could alter them psychologically so that they were
no longer sexually attracted to children, they would never molest a child again. But
therapists have zero ability to do this, they have never done this a single time with anyone.
At best, they can possibly get the pedophile not to act on his desires, but the desires will
still be there.
This is not to say that therapy is totally worthless. If you want a paid friend who will listen to
you talk about your troubles, go see a therapist. If you don't understand yourself or your
actions very well, it could be helpful to you to have someone intelligent and objective
analyze you. If you make stupid decisions in your life and need the assistance of
someone with more common sense than yourself, a therapist can certainly be helpful.
"Well Sarah, since your husband beats you all the time, and since you don't want to be
beaten all the time, have you considered leaving him?"
And if you're tired of alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, and other such drugs, and want access
to some cool prescription drugs, go see a psychiatrist for your mood-altering needs.
Maybe Xanax or Valium or Paxil can finally make you feel the way you want to feel.
But if you were actually hoping to change yourself psychologically, too bad, therapists
don't know enough to help with that. They can help you change what you DO, perhaps,
since you yourself can change what you do. But they don't know how to change who you
Television Sucks
The real problem with television is that it doesn't suck.
I mean, sure, 95% of it does, but there are plenty of programs which are creative,
interesting, funny, dramatic, moving, etc. If there's nothing on, there are countless
movies you can rent and watch.
The problem is that television gives you the illusion of connection to other people and to
the world. No matter how empty and pathetic your own life might be, you can turn on the
television and let the stories and emotions wash over you. Movies and tv programs let
you get to know their characters in intimate detail, you seem to share the most important
experiences of their lives, as they fall in love, fight wars, cure diseases, defeat alien
invaders, and so on.
But of course, it's a false intimacy. You don't know these people, the characters and
events you're vicariously experiencing probably never existed, and even if they did
they're still not part of your life and never will be. Meanwhile, your own life still sucks.
You just don't know it for a couple hours, while you watch The Simpsons or Raiders of
the Lost Ark. You feel as if you had experiences which were exciting, funny, tragic,
meaningful, but really you just spent the afternoon staring into a box.
So it's probably a good thing that the vast majority of tv programs and movies are crap.
Think of your favorite movies and tv shows, your favorite actors, and imagine what it
would be like if they were ALL that good. What if every show, all day and all night, was
powerfully moving, funny, entertaining? What if you could turn to any channel, anytime,
and whatever was on was as good as the best movie you've ever seen?
Christ, we'd never be able to tear ourselves away from the tv then, we'd give up on the
real world entirely and spend our whole lives staring into the stupid box. So be glad that
tv sucks.
People Are Stupid
If you ask people why they do the things they do in life, they will give you sensible
sounding reasons which seem to explain their decisions. We like to believe that we
exercise sound judgement, especially in the important decisions of our lives.
I think that this is rarely true. I think that standard operating procedure for human
decision making is to do what feels right to you at the time, and then to give logical
sounding justifications for what you were already going to do anyway, whether you had
justifications or not.
So, if you are pregnant, and want to get an abortion, you will be able to give any number
of reasonable sounding explanations why this is the right decision. You're not ready to
be a parent, or you need to finish your education or get to a better point in your career,
or you don't have enough money, etc. If instead you want to keep the baby, you will
explain how even though you will have some extra difficulties due to the lack of money
or whatever, you will certainly be up to the challenge to make your life work with the
baby, how being a parent will be good for you, what a great parent you'll make, how it
will bring you and the father closer together, and so on. In either case, none of these
will be the real reason for your decision. The real reason for your decision will always
be, "I did it because I wanted to do it".
This method of decision making may have worked fine earlier in human history.
However, in a highly complex technological society, the inevitable result of this is that
people behave in extremely stupid ways.
For example, the average American household now has $8000 in credit card debt, on
which they pay an average of 19% interest. Is there any good reason to be running an
$8000 debt? No. Did these people all run into major life crises which forced them to
run up huge debts or else become homeless? No, they spent it on furniture, clothing,
televisions, etc. Is it logical to spend $1500 a year in credit card interest? Clearly not.
People do this because there isn't extra money in the bank, but there is something they
want to buy, and the positive feeling they get from the idea of having this item is
stronger than the negative feeling they get at the idea of their monthly payment going
up by another $20.
For example, marijuana is illegal in most of the world, while alcohol is legal, despite the
fact that alcohol is a far more dangerous drug than marijuana in every way. People
consider marijuana to be a dangerous drug, while they think of alcohol as being a fun
beverage. They consider those who sell marijuana to be drug dealers, the scourge of
society who should be hunted down and imprisoned, while those who sell alcohol (wine
makers, grocery stores) are of course not placed in the same category.
Logically speaking, it should be the other way around. Alcohol tends to make many
people aggressive, leading to a variety of violent crimes, while marijuana does not.
Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant, and leads to a serious loss of
coordination and motor skills. At larger doses, alcohol renders one completely
unconscious. Drunk drivers cause enormous numbers of automobile accidents and
deaths. Marijuana is not a central nervous system depressant, and while one probably
shouldn't drive while intoxicated on anything, it simply does not cause anywhere near
the loss of motor control that alcohol does, and is only a fraction as dangerous as
alcohol in terms of driving. And, a large enough dose of alcohol can and will kill you,
while the same is not true of marijuana.
But people are looking at this based on their feelings. Marijuana feels like a drug to
them. It's illegal, isn't it? Alcohol feels like a fun beverage. It's legal, and socially
acceptable, so it feels ok, so it must be ok.
All of this is illogical and stupid, and typically human. And I could give countless other
examples of this, but I'm sure you can think these up yourself. Just look at how people
behave in terms of politics and religion.
And, I think that when you see ridiculous and idiotic behavior and decision making in
other people(or in yourself), you have to consider it to be the inevitable result of the
nature of the human psyche.
"The only way to comprehend what mathematicians mean by Infinity is to contemplate
the extent of human stupidity." - Voltaire
Drugs Suck
I've said repeatedly on these pages that you cannot change who you are. This is not
entirely true. Given the right drugs, you can change yourself in major ways. You can feel
good, relaxed, comfortable, you can feel happiness, excitement, you can experience your
life as a great meaningful adventure, you can feel that all of your troubles have been
washed away... for a little while.
For many of us, the only time we ever really feel good is when we're on some drug. Of
course, it's one of life's little ironies that the only thing you have to make you feel good is
also the thing that will destroy your mind, your body, and your life if you do enough of it for
long enough.
I suppose if you're a well-balanced person, you can get high from time to time without
much of a problem, as you don't really need to do it. However, if your life sucks, then
when you find a drug you really like, just doing it occasionally won't be enough for you.
You want to do it every day, you want to do it all the time.
And this unleashes a whole host of problems, and before long your life is fucked up in
every way imaginable. And now you've got all your original problems, plus you're a drug
Marijuana is fairly mild, as drugs go. I used to smoke it every day, multiple times a day. Do
this long enough, and you become burned out and stupid, and your highest aspiration in
life is to sit in front of the tv watching idiotic reruns while you eat an entire box of twinkies. I
like it too much, so I can't do it at all, this is the only way I can control it. I can still drink, as
I don't like alcohol all that much.
Perhaps I'm going about this all wrong. Maybe the secret to happiness is to gorge
yourself on as many and as much drugs as you can possibly put into your system, until
finally you're a bottomed out drug addict or alcoholic. Then join several 12 step groups,
where you will find your higher power, be part of a spiritual program and a community of
people whose purpose is to help one another live happy, healthy lives.
But my own self-control is keeping me from achieving all that.
I don't know how common this is, but for me, the main problem is that I feel
disconnected from everyone and everything.
I have a few people out there who I care about, or who care about me, but no real
intimacy with anyone. Worse yet, this is a long term pattern with me, it's been going on
for enough years yet that it's quite possible I will be alone for the rest of my life.
I would like to have friends I could be truly close to, someone that I could be in love
with, but I'm psychologically fucked up enough that I don't know how to make this
I like to think that if I had love and intimacy in my life, life wouldn't suck nearly as much.
And hell, I think I've reached the point where I'm jealous of cult members. Those poor
deluded fuckers who shave their heads and dance around in public begging for
donations, or the heaven's gate suicide cult, at least they have a sense of purpose, of
belonging. They must have a sense of devotion for their beloved cult leaders.
Is there any way to have meaning in your life when you're disconnected from everyone?
I don't think so.
Sorry, Jesus, I'm not impressed.
"Christ died for your sins!" - Christianity
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever
believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life" - John 3:16
Apparently we are supposed to be impressed by this. However:
First of all, "only begotten son". God, being omnipotent, could have billions of sons
any time he wanted, so the fact that Jesus was his only son is not terribly meaningful.
Secondly, what's the big deal about Jesus dying for us? I mean, he came back to life
a few days later, didn't he? And, being omnipotent, he can apparently transition back
and forth from being alive to dead whenever he wants, so his death was not any sort
of sacrifice whatsoever.
He did, however, allow himself to die in an unpleasant away, enduring some
moderate amount of torture or pain for a few days. It was a far easier death than a lot
of cancer or AIDS sufferers face, but still, it was something. "Christ suffered briefly
for your sins!" is more accurate, but I guess this slogan wouldn't be all that great a
selling point for Christianity.
Or how about, "For God liked the world somewhat, so he allowed the only son he
ever bothered to have to suffer briefly, so that some people could escape the hell
which God created".
If I could somehow cleanse millions of people of their sins (whatever the fuck that
means) and save them all from hell by dying in some unpleasant fashion, I would be
willing to do so. And I do NOT have the ability to bring myself back to life, which
would make mine a far bigger sacrifice than that of Jesus. I guess this makes me
more loving than either God or Jesus. Feel free to worship me if you like.
I am not suicidal. My life sucks and I hate the way I am, but I don't feel the need to
forcibly end it. Life is pretty short anyway, and I'm 36 already, so I don't see what the
hurry is. Forty or fifty more years will go by soon enough. If people lived for thousands
of years, that would seem unbearably long, but I can certainly do 80 years. Besides, I
still have the hope, realistic or not, that someday I'll manage to find some happiness in
my life.
Anti-suicide efforts often tend to irritate me, in a way. Society doesn't want people to
kill themselves, but I suspect this is mostly for practical reasons. After spending two
decades raising, clothing, feeding, and educating you, society expects to get many
more decades of work out of you in return. If you die early, everyone else has been
cheated of the payback they were expecting for all that effort they put into raising you.
You can be as miserable as you want, but for God's sake, don't kill yourself.
Now, all of that said, as for what people who are suicidal should do, I can't give you
some well thought out, logical answer as to the right course of action. I can only relate
my own feelings on it.
I've known two people in my life who did commit suicide. Both were women who I'd
only had a small amount of contact with, I didn't really know either of them. Both times,
I heard about it afterwards, and I had the same reaction. I was very sad about it, I
wished I had gotten to know them, I felt that if I had, I could have helped them
So I don't want anyone to kill themselves, and I guess I feel that no matter how much
pain someone is in, their pain can be made bearable by talking about it with someone
who cares about them.
Alright now, those last few paragraphs were far too positive and lacking in cynicism for
me, so keep on going and pretend you never saw them.
Maybe life sucks because we're all really just big brained primates who were meant to
be living in small tribal groups hunting and gathering food, and our pain is the natural
result of our living in an unnatural environment.
Maybe life sucks because we haven't turned our lives over to Jesus or Allah or Yahweh
or whoever the One True God happens to be.
Maybe life sucks because we all have chemical imbalances in our brains.
The first proposition implies that the answer to life's problems is to abandon
technology. This was put forth recently by the Unabomber, and before that by the
Khmer Rouge of Cambodia.
The second is claimed by hundreds of different groups of religious fundamentalists, all
of which disagree on the identity and nature of this One True God.
The third is put forth by psychiatrists.
I'm not sure which of the above groups is worse, but given their accomplishments or
lack thereof, I highly doubt they have any answers for us.
So, I don't know the ultimate cause of, or the solution to, life's problems. I don't know
how to end this with any helpful advice or words of wisdom. If you think you do, send me a message.
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