Tuesday, February 23, 2010


I don't mean a major of Chemistry in class. I meant chemistry between men and women. I've been reading or hearing that word "chemistry" when they search for a connection or bonding with that person. Funny thing is that I did search for that. If there's no chemistry then we are not made for each other. Every guy that I met is all chemistry involve. I wonder is it really for lust and not love? Feelings for him is for lust... is Chemistry means lust?

I decided to date some guys that wasn't chemistry invovle so I did. I met one. I do like him alot but I don't know if I do love him or not. I do know that there isn't chemistry. So that means no lust and no love? Or do I love him just that there isn't chemistry but to care is the love. To care about him and thinking of him is love? I was anixious to see him because I enjoy his company. Everyday to see him then I get bored but to see him once a week then I don't get bored and we just catch up and get to know one another.

One thing I don't understand is that every guy I meet is usually broke or doesn't have the job or bad credit. I heard from somewhere that it is best to have relationship with someone who isn't have bad credit.

I'm starting to thinking about dating millionare because I'm tired of dating guys who poorer than me or bad credits or try to take advantage for my money even I'm poor myself. It does sound like I'm "gold-digger" if I want to go date millioniare but truth is I'm tired of dating men who taking advantage of my money when I want to date millioniare that I knew he wouldn't take advantage of my money... or is he??

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