Sunday, August 24, 2008

Shoo Fly, don't bother me

There's a song for that. Now I can see why. Earlier today, I was outside after swimming (it is cool when's wet than dry cuz it is hot outside), the fly kept coming on my leg. It just crawl on me. I found that annoy so I shoo the fly with my hand waving at the fly. Few seconds later, the fly came back, I've been repeating to shoo the fly several times. Finally, the fly didn't come back.

Anyway, things seems less tention since we finally have A/C at the other half of the house. Of course, we still giving each other hard times, sometimes.

For instance, today at dinner, we were at the resturant. I order Chicken Tender Platter with honey mustard. (My fave!) the honey mustard is out. I got my dad attention. I pointed my finger at the honey mustard. My dad said, " no I don't want anymore." He's too full. I pointed finger at myself. Then dad understood, "ooh, you want more." I nodded. Reason why I asked my dad is because he could see the waiter comes by. I couldn't the waiter is most of the time is behind me. Mom just laughed at my dad the start talk about what he and I was doing. Then I laughed. My dad just grinning.

There's another news... I just found out that the moving to other state would be coming sooner than I thought...

I admit, I think that is too soon...

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