Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Possible Conclusion

Well, I'm not sure if I did mention this earlier since I've been mention my friends and family so it is hard to keep up who or which one I haven't been told and who I have already been told.

Also, I didn't check my blog lately to see which should I update or not.

Obvious, this month is busy for me by paying bills and preparing for Mother's Day and her birthday.

Now about my possible conclusion, I've been thinking about going ahead and graduate. So I've already check out community college. I've been checking out Fall classes; however, I may postpone until Spring. I found out that my parent may go to Colorado this Aug and Sept. It will be full 2 months.

Well, that give me alittle bit more time to assurance to know this is the right path for me to go. Plus I only visit as in undergraduate college but not graduate student. (Yes, I have thinking about go for master degree.) So I would feel better by visiting one more time as for graduate visitiation since I still have more questions to ask.

I've been considering to major in biotechnology in master degree. So that's why I feel if I go ahead and graduate I would feel like rush into things without visiting first espeically I still have more questions.

I know I can go ahead and take classes in the Fall and stay home alone for 2 months. It doesn't bother me. However, I prefer to visit one more time to make sure I know this is where I'm really going.

Granted, I could go and visit this summer but my parent and I can't since the bills will increase worst during summer and also gas prices had gone up, too. It isn't good time. If I could afford, I would go but I can not. Neither does my parent.

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