Wow! Where the years had gone by? It sure went so fast in the blink of the eye. Whoa!
I couldn't imagine. I'm still alive here. Whoo-Hoo! Happy New Year!
What's your resolution?
I read somewhere best to do one resolution at a time. To make it easier to focus on one goal instead of tring cram it all up in last minutes. Often times the resolution would be losing weight and excerise and few common things. Funny, my resolution for past few years is to improve myself which I did improve a lot more than I could ever thought of. I only did one step at a time. I'm still have so much to learn.
Mmmm This year resolution would be finishing up few more goals that I haven't had started, yet. Well, I may not be able to reach goal by end of the year but my goal is get into processing. To continue to do what I have in my previous goal. This time it isn't improve for myself but something else. Of course, I'm still working on to lose weight and eat right as humanly possible. After Januaray, the celebration of foods are a lot less until Thanksgiving. Now that made it easier for me able to get back on the track. So far, I only have fewer soda a year (about 5 cans of soda a year). This past month of December which is the hardest part is potato chips. It is my favorite to eat with sandwiches. I finally manage to replace with carrot. It has been a month *pat my own back*
Oh another good news since I visit doctor twice, my blood pressure is back to normal. After 3 to 4 years, the nurse always kept saying, "your blood pressure is slighty high." every time I visit doctor's office. Geez... Haha, Now, my blood pressure is fine. Hoo-Yoo! That's a good thing. I can't wait to have my health back to normal. Soda, potato chips, and cheese are the highest salt and I love to eat and/or drink them. Oh, I did cut down some cheese. I'm not ready to quit cold-turkey, yet. Just give me some time, I'll get around to do that, too. *smile*
I think I mention this before, my parents are consider to move outside of the city but within Texas. As long as it is 10,000 dollars or more would makes the differences. Sadly, No, it wouldn't. Only like 2,000 dollars different. So, instead of moving ourselves, we will wait for few years to move Tenn or Kentucky. Reasons? Well, my dad's job is in Tenn but it is very close borderline to Kentucky. So, my parents are comparing Tenn and Kentucky to see which one is better place to live relate with taxes. In Texas, the texas are so expensive that my parents couldn't afford and what's worst, they can't save the money for retirement plans because of the bills that they have to pay. So, they are living very tight sometimes, I have to pay to help them out, too. Also, they rather not to move somewhere in Texas because dad's company would not pay for them to move. If my dad is going to transfer to another job, then yes, the company will help them to pay for moving. So, they are going to wait for that. It would be a lot easier.
Meanwhile, I had chat few more guys online date. Those guy said that they can't move and expect me to move with them... Like Calforina, Iowa, and NYC. I was like, No thanks... Not only that my main question, "Do you share everything with your mom?" That's my usual question. They said "yes, I share everything with my mom and even go vaction with my mom and blah blah blah with my mom." I said, "wow, seem like you are very close to your mom." Those guys respond, "Oh yeah, thanks for notice, I love my mom." I can't help but wonder what about dad? Did they ever go in as couples? They said that they have father and they are married for like 20 years or so. I mean, my parents go out on vaction as in couple. My parents almost every Friday night their usual ritual is going to eat out dinner and to movie without me ever since as I was a child. And they are still doing it, today. Every once in a while, I do go to the movies with my parents especially if there is cartoon when I was a kid. Point is, I refuse to go out with "mama's boy". Half the time, I almost wanna say, "Why don't ya go and f#*#$% with your mom?" Geez!
*************Off the subject*******************
I almost forgotten. My parents had been talking about where will they live when they retire. My mom asked what do I think of Wyoming. That's far up the north. I was like, "no thanks" To me, I think that is the middle of no where. Mom said that there's YellowStone Park nearby. I said, "is that all?" I reminded my mom is like going to Blue Ridge Parkway. Then they thought about Florida. However, they checked out the prices are too expensive to live there. The houses are too high. My mom said there are at least 50 or more parks to go around to have fun during retirement instead of being so bored and they can have something to do. Oh they even talk about maybe move in other country or something. They have already discussing about retirement plans. Haha, I couldn't believe it. Time is nearer for them. I admit, it does feels weird. Time will fly so fast before ya know it like now. Jan 1st 2007. So, I dunno. I'm going to wait and see where will they move.
I almost forgotten. My parents had been talking about where will they live when they retire. My mom asked what do I think of Wyoming. That's far up the north. I was like, "no thanks" To me, I think that is the middle of no where. Mom said that there's YellowStone Park nearby. I said, "is that all?" I reminded my mom is like going to Blue Ridge Parkway. Then they thought about Florida. However, they checked out the prices are too expensive to live there. The houses are too high. My mom said there are at least 50 or more parks to go around to have fun during retirement instead of being so bored and they can have something to do. Oh they even talk about maybe move in other country or something. They have already discussing about retirement plans. Haha, I couldn't believe it. Time is nearer for them. I admit, it does feels weird. Time will fly so fast before ya know it like now. Jan 1st 2007. So, I dunno. I'm going to wait and see where will they move.
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